Change Log
v1.3.5 (2018-02-11)
This is the first Cmder release that comes with Git for Windows in the 64bit version. If you are still using a 32bit version, you have to fix this yourself.
- use /dir Switch instead of CMDER_START (previously #921) #1609 (Stanzilla)
- add config/settings to .gitignore #1592 (daxgames)
- Upgrade #1591 (daxgames)
- Fix startup folder issue #1547 (dr-tony-lin)
- Fix alias.bat handling "user-aliases.cmd" with spaces #1531 (Varriount)
- Compatible with Visual Studio Code (cmd) #1416 (gucong3000)
Git updated to v2.16.1.windows.4
clink updated to 0.4.9 (official version)
ConEmu updated to 180206