is a Python 3 module designed to analyse the rheological behaviour of
lithosphere-scale 3D structural models that were created with the
(GMS, GFZ Potsdam). pyGMS
was originally written for the
purpose of plotting yield strength envelope cross sections for my PhD thesis.
This is a short version of the installation instructions. For a more detailed version visit the documentation.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Create an Anaconda environment
cd pyGMS
conda env create -f environment.yml
# Install with pip
conda activate pygms
pip install -e .
# Install some dependencies to be able to see the kernel in Jupyter notebooks
conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels
Please have a look at the documentation for information on how to install and use pyGMS.
If you find bugs, have a feature wish or a pull request, please open an issue.
Before preparing a pull request make sure to
- comment the code
- update CHANGELOG
- check code style (
make pycodestyle
) - add a test if the contribution adds a new feature or fixes a bug
- update the documentation (
cd docs/sphinx && make html && make gh-pages
) - run
make coverage
(maintainers only)