BetaCityYEG has scraped (with permission) the City of Edmonton Archives Catalogue and has created an online tool to geolocate the site’s historical images.
Similar to OldNYC, BetaCityYEG hopes to bring its city and region’s history alive with a mobile-friendly webmap. Once the interface is completed, we will crowdsource the manual task of geolocating these images. An admin site has been created that allows multiple users to gelocate an image which updates an online database, inserting the latitude/longitude.
If you wish to run this application locally, you will need to do the following:
Install NodeJS.
On the command line, type the following to install all client-side JavaScript package manager. Note: You might need to prefix the command with
as well if you have permission issues:
npm install -g jspm
On the command line, type the following to install all the necessary dependencies for the application:
npm install
You will need to setup a local database in order for the application to function properly. There are many different options you can use, but I used Postgres. The rest of the instructions are going to assume the use of Postgres.
If you are using Mac OS X, you can install PostgresApp. It is a self-contained Postgres database. For other operating systems, please see go to the Postgres website for more information.
Once Postgres is installed, you will need to create a database for the application to use. Connect to the database using the
command and type the following to create a new database:
Now you will need to create a user in the database for the application to use. Enter the following command while still in
Now you will need to grant the user permission to the database. Type the following while still in
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE yegphotos TO yegphotos_user;
You will now need to update the server/datasources.development.json file with the proper database information. Replace the following information in the configuration file:
- "database": "yegphotos"
- "username": "yegphotos_user"
- "password": "INSERT PASSWORD HERE"
node .