A website to showcase my projects and programs.
A simple chess engine based on simple Probability.
The primary concern of C-PA is the decision-making part of the application. All functionality outside the scope of the AI are implemented using external libraries:
- Chessboard GUI: Using the chessboard.js API
- Game Mechanics: Using the chess.js API
The AI uses the minimax algorithm, which is optimised by alpha-beta pruning.
The evaluation function uses piece square tables adapted from Sunfish.py, and eliminates the need for nested loops by updating the sum based on each move instead of re-computing the sum of individual pieces at each leaf node.
A global sum is used to keep track of black's evaluation score after each move, which is used to display the 'advantage' bar.
Head over to https://cmprkr.github.io.
Play as white by dragging a piece to your desired location. The AI plays as black.
Use of this project is governed by Cameron Parker
gpt-3.5-turbo built into Google Docs.
- Selection menu
- Supports highlight-to-query