Working material for DPOA in Common Analysis Tools (CAT) hackathon (April 2023)
An example PF-enriched NanoAOD file doubleeg_nanoaod_eg.root
- 10 events
- parent file: 00387F48-342F-E611-AB5D-0CC47A4D76AC.root from
The code area for the production step in the workflow. Subdirectory: pfnano
The code area for the analysis step in the workflow. Subdirectories: rdataframe and coffea
Get the code:
git clone
cd cat-hackathon
Develop the code in the respective subdirectories
For each new feature or fix, open an issue and - if it is something you plan to do - assign it to yourself. No push or pull request without an existing issue!
For your code development, create a development branch (start the branch name with your name and add a descriptive word for the feature). Use preferrably one brach per feature. When done, push your branch to the repository, use analysis-rdf:
, analysis-coffea:
, production-pfnano
or workflows-law-dpoa-example
in your commit messages.
git checkout -b <yourname-branchname>
git add <files to be added>
git commit -m "dir-subdir: short description"
git push origin <yourname-branchname>
Then, make a pull request in the GitHub web interface. In the pull request title or text, add "closes #N" with the number of issue, and the issue will be closed automatically at merge. For trivial changes, merge the PR yourself, if there's something you would like to discuss, request a review.
Once your new code is pushed and merged to the main branch, for the next developments, remember to start your next development branch from the main
branch and pull the updates to your local area.
git checkout main
git pull
git checkout -b <yourname-nextbranchname>
The list of contributors in alphabetical order:
Kati Lassila-Perini
Xavier Tintin