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You should follow the instruction twiki for your very first shift to understand the precedure. Only use this script to speed up the process later. The output template is need editting to the official format!

This repository holds the script for the L1 Prompt Feedback Expert (PFE) shifter. The PFE shifters are required to follow the instruction. The steps of certify each run involves with steps to retrieve information from run register, WBM, DQM etc. The scripts are designed to help shifter obtain those information easily. The judgement will come from the shifter. If you have problem with these scripts, good luck!

If a run is relatively new (still during the data taking or run just ended), this script might not work out of box, as the systems will take some time to propogate the information of the run. You should double check or follow up on the output of this script.


  • CERN account to enable you login to lxplus via ssh
  • A web browser on your laptop
  • git on your laptop to check out code
  • wget on your laptop to download DQM root file
    • For macOS, you can install wget via brew
    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    brew install wget --with-libressl
  • ROOT on your laptop
    • You can download the binary version of ROOT from here.
  • Python on your laptop
    • The scripts only uses Python Standard Library, which should comes with Python. If you have package missing, you can install it with pip.

You can check out the code to your laptop via:

git clone

If you intend to develop and commit code, it is better to clone via ssh:

git clone

For this you will need to follow the instructions for adding an ssh key to your gitHub account, if you don't have one already:

Start of shift

You should always follow the instruction twiki.

Follow the twiki to setup your role. Each date, follow Choosing the runs to certify to find out the list of run to certify. This step is intentionally left for shifter to review and decide the priority.

Start of shift

Once you get the list of runs to certify, you should login to lxplus and follow the below steps

## Setup a CMSSW environment if you already have one
## Otherwise follow the below steps
cmsrel CMSSW_10_0_0
cd CMSSW_10_0_0/src
## Checkout the code
git clone
## or
git clone
cd L1Certification/PFE_OMS

Run the run register script python 306091 XXXXXX XXXXXX

Then you should have a file "PFE.json" produced in the directory.

We are currently working with OMS development team on the Run Register API. Once that is ready, this step can be moved to your laptop and you won't need to login to lxplus. Before that happened, you will need to login to lxplus for the Run Register API.

Verify each run

Go to your laptop and make sure you have your grid certificate stored in ~/.globus. If not, please follow the instruction. Create a working directory for you and follow the below commends

git clone
cd L1Certification/PFE_OMS
source setup.(c)sh #Depending on your shell

The setup script will create a key file for grabbing the DQM files. You also will setup a proxy via for the OMS API.

Now, to start the certification, you run python . The code will print out an elog file for you in format as Elog_MMDD_HHMM.log. When it is ready, you will see the below:

Elog file Elog_0716_1633.log is ready! Open a new terminal to edit the file...
Press Enter to start the shift!

Open a new terminal to edit the file.

You might see something as below:

First Collisions17 run (start time): 306091 (2017-11-02 15:59:38)
Last Collisions17 run (stop time): 306091 (2017-11-02 20:00:14)

Missing keys for Collisions17 runs:

Run    #LS Group         L1T Online L1Tmu Offline L1Tcalo Comments
306091 585 Collisions17 GOOD GOOD GOOD

## Run 306091 (Collisions17, fill 6358) -- L1T GOOD

Physically meaningful LS range: 45-629
L1 key 

L1A Physics rate: kHz
Average PU: <++>

Fill 6358 has no isolated bunch for pre/post firing study.

Rates as a function of pileup:
- L1_SingleMu22: <++>
- L1_SingleJet180: <++>
- L1_ETM100: <++>
- L1_HTT300er: <++>
- L1_SingleEG40: <++>
- L1_SingleIsoEG34: <++>
- L1_DoubleIsoTau32er2p1: <++>

L1T DQM: <++>
L1TEMU DQM: <++>

As you can see, it printout a template of the run report and a summary of the shift at the end. <++> denotes the places you need to modify in the report. The tool also define the Physically meaningful LS for you.

When you are ready, follow the instruction by hitting enter. The code will guide you through the certification of each run, by opening the WBM and DQM webpages for you.

Finish the rest of the shift

Once you go through all the runs, make sure you edit the elog file as the official template. This code might not be synchronize closely with the twiki. Follow the instruction twiki for the rest of steps. If you encounter any problem or issues with the code, please create an issue on the github and we will try to follow up as soon as we can.

That is it! Please follow the twiki for the rest steps and finish your shift for today!


Script for the L1 Prompt Feedback Expert






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