Creates surface water network, which can be used to create MODFLOW's SFR.
Python 3.5+ is required.
- process spatial data similar to pandasrtree
- spatial index support
- read/write MODFLOW modelsgdal
- import from different geospatial formatsnetCDF4
- used to read TopNet files
Run pytest -v
or python3 -m pytest -v
For faster multi-core pytest -v -n 2
(with pytest-xdist
import geopandas
import swn
Read from Shapefile:
shp_srs = 'tests/data/DN2_Coastal_strahler1z_stream_vf.shp'
lines = geopandas.read_file(shp_srs)
lines.set_index('nzsegment', inplace=True, verify_integrity=True) # optional
Or, read from PostGIS:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, engine
con_url = engine.url.URL(drivername='postgresql', database='scigen')
con = create_engine(con_url)
sql = 'SELECT * FROM wrc.rec2_riverlines_coastal'
lines = geopandas.read_postgis(sql, con)
lines.set_index('nzsegment', inplace=True, verify_integrity=True) # optional
Initialise and create network:
n = swn.SurfaceWaterNetwork(lines.geometry)
# <SurfaceWaterNetwork: with Z coordinates
# 304 segments: [3046409, 3046455, ..., 3050338, 3050418]
# 154 headwater: [3046409, 3046542, ..., 3050338, 3050418]
# 3 outlets: [3046700, 3046737, 3046736]
# no diversions />
Plot the network, write a Shapefile:
swn.file.gdf_to_shapefile(n.segments, 'segments.shp')
Remove segments that meet a condition (stream order), or that are upstream/downstream from certain locations:
n.remove(n.segments.stream_order == 1, segnums=n.query(upstream=3047927))
Read flow data from a TopNet netCDF file:
nc_fname = ''
flow = swn.file.topnet2ts(os.path.join(datadir, nc_fname), 'mod_flow')
# convert from m3/s to m3/day
flow *= 24 * 60 * 60
# remove time and truncate to closest day
flow.index = flow.index.floor('d')
# 7-day mean
flow7d = flow.resample('7D').mean()
# full mean
flow_m = pd.DataFrame(flow.mean(0)).T
Process a MODFLOW/flopy model:
import flopy
m = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('h.nam', model_ws='tests/data', check=False)
nm = swn.MfSfrNetwork(n, m, inflow=flow_m)'')
Toews, M. W.; Hemmings, B. 2019. A surface water network method for generalising streams and rapid groundwater model development. In: New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference, Rotorua, 3-6 December, 2019. p. 166-169.