Releases: cniw/mpv-discordRPC
Releases · cniw/mpv-discordRPC
mpv-discordRPC version 1.4.1-UNKNOWN
This release for latest mpv version from latest commit at master branch
mpv version >= 0.32.0-27 read more
- Windows 32bit
- Windows 64bit
or build it by your own: - Arch Linux
- Ubuntu
If you use mpv 0.30.0 or 0.31.0 get mpv-discordRPC version 1.4.1, mpv 0.32.0 didn't works
mpv-discordRPC version 1.4.1
Urgent update! Fixed #2
! Update Discord RPC to v3.4.0
mpv-discordRPC version 1.4
! Update:
! * ``
! * `mpv-discordRPC_catalogs.lua`
! * `images/`
! * `mpv_discordRPC.conf`
! * `mpv-discordRPC_lua-discordRPC.lua` (lua-discordRPC library)
! * Configuration directory because of deprecated
+ Added:
+ * `images/`
+ * Detections for protocol(http, https), YouTube, Crunchyroll, SoundCloud, and
+ * Active/inactive toggle
+ * License
+ * Script info
mpv-discordRPC version 1.3
Update: Please replace file mpv-discordRPC.lua
on archive with update version mpv-discordRPC.lua
to make cover art show. Because i was typo before, but it was fixed.
! Fixed scripts for the pypresence wrapper
+ Added `playlist_info` option
+ Added `loop_info` option
+ Added `cover_art` option
+ Added catalogs `mpv-discordRPC_catalogs.lua` for `cover_art` option
mpv-discordRPC version 1.2
+ Added pypresence wrapper option as allternative
+ Added Mac OS X support
+ Added Mac OS X installer script
mpv-discordRPC version 1.1
+ Added Windows support
+ Added Windows installer script
mpv-discordRPC version 1.0
For discription just read the