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flora-exception  ·

const FloraAdd = mFx(
    [$Number, $Number], $Number,
    (a, b)=>Add(a, b) as number

// OR

const FloraAdd = (a : number, b : number) : number =>{
    return Fx(
        [ [a, $Number], [b, $Number] ], $Number,
        (a, b)=> Add(a, b) as number

flora-exception is an exception system for Fauna Query Language built on top of the faunadb-js driver. It provides methods for:

  • exception raising,
  • typing,
  • and exception catching.

Quick start


yarn add flora-exception


import {Flora, mFx, $Number} from "flora-exception";


const FloraAdd = mFx(
    [$Number, $Number], $Number,
    (a, b)=>Add(a, b) as number


const result = await client.query(Flora(
    FloraAdd(2, 2)


Wrap your query logic with Flora():

  • Returns value of query, unless a FloraException was raised.
const result = await db.client.query(Flora(
  Add(2, 2)


Raise() a FloraException:

  • The exception along with a stack trace will be returned.
  • In the event of an exception, even without Fx consumers, the FloraExceptionStack will be returned so long as the query is not Aborted.
const result = await db.client.query(Flora(


Use Fx() to execute logic with type and exception safety:

  • Fx will handle mismatched arg or return types.
  • In the event that an arg or a return is a FloraException it will be reraised.
 * Adds two numbers.
 * @param a 
 * @param b 
 * @returns 
const FloraAdd = (a : number, b : number) : number=>{
      return Fx(
          [ [a, $Number], [b, $Number] ], // args with type predicates
          $Number, // return type predicate
          (a, b)=>{ // logic
              return Add(a, b) as number
      ) as number

  const result = await db.client.query(Flora(
      FloraAdd(2, 2)



Use mFx() to create type and exception safe queries with an abbreviated syntax:

  • mFx produces a function that will call Fx to compose your query.
  • mFxinfers TypeScript types from your type predicates.
 * Adds two numbers.
 * @param a 
 * @param b 
 * @returns 
const FloraAdd = mFx(
    [$Number, $Number], // arg type predicates
    $Number,  // return type predicate
    (a, b)=>Add(a, b) as number

const result = await db.client.query(Flora(
     FloraAdd(2, 2)



Types are implemented as predicates which are evaluated against a query expression. Fx provides the most robust method of handling types and type exceptions.

Core types are denoted with $. We recommend composed types follow this standard.

const $Numbers = $Array($Number);

Currently, the following primitive types are available:

  • $Number
  • $Int
  • $UInt8
  • $Double
  • $String
  • $Boolean

Several container types have also been implemented:

  • $Array
  • $Object
  • $Tuple

Container types can be used by wrapping another type predicate:

const $Numbers = $Array($Number);

Members of $Object and $Tuple can be made optional:

const $Player = $Object({
  name : $String,
  wins : $Optional($Number)

The $Or type predicate can be used to support an arbitrary number of type alternatives. While the $Any type predicate accepts all types.

const $StringsAndNumbers = $Array($Or($String, $Number));  

How it works

  • Flora creates or uses an exisiting FloraCollection to store FloraExceptions raised during a query.
  • At the start of a query, Flora creates a document on which the FloraExcpetionStack will be stored.
  • During the query, all Raises are pushed to the stack.
  • Special consumers Fx and Yield, will handle FloraExceptions in the stack without Aborting the query.
  • At the end of the query, a StackError will be compiled from the ExceptionStack reporting on the earliest source of error as well as all errant branches.
  • In StrictFlora, an errant query will also be aborted to prevent any changes made from being applied.