📢 This is a must-use plugin. Manual uploading of this plugin is required.
It's designed to prevent any plugin (with the exception of CoCart and WooCommerce) that is not whitelisted or not a CoCart add-on or WooCommerce extension from loading when making a REST API request to increase performance.
Support is not provided for this. Use at your own risk.
If you wish to whitelist a plugin you can add it like so.
add_filter( 'cocart_benchmark_whitelist_plugins', function( $plugins ) ) {
$plugins[] = 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront/wordpress-s3.php';
return $plugins;
Released under The MIT License.
CoCart Benchmark Performance is developed and maintained by Sébastien Dumont.
sebastiendumont.com · GitHub @seb86 · Twitter @sebd86