Experimenting with Google Cloud Run (Group 3: Coco Koban, Philippe Henderson, Julius Von Davier, Nicolò Prini, Nora Tombers)
Flask-based API microservice.
Endpoint: https://todoapp-backend-final-7qlre2lo3a-oa.a.run.app
What it does: Can write, update, delete and read all to-do items to and from a Firestore DB.
What data it receives: object-format (a dict) data.
- /list-all --> Returns all todo list items in the firestore DB as a list.
- Inputs: None
- Action: Retrieves all the documents in the Firestore DB 'AllToDo' collection.
- Returns: A nice list of todo objects.
- /create-todo --> Creates a todo list item, returns the ID of the created item.
- Inputs: To-do object (dictionary), with at minimum: {'title': :your title:, 'content': :your content:}
- Action: Creates new document in Firestore DB 'AllToDo' collection, and writes the data to the document.
- Returns: Unique ID for the todo item.
- /update-todo --> Update an existing todo list item.
- Inputs: To-do object (dictionary), with at minimum: The fields you wish to change (e.g. Title, is_done, etc.) AND the current ID of the todo item.
- Action: Retrieves the document in the Firestore collection based on its ID, and modifies the desired fields.
- Returns: success or fail message.
- /delete-todo --> Delete an existing todo list item.
- Inputs: To-do item ID, in the form of {'ID': :to-do-ID:}.
- Action: Deletes the document in Firestore that corresponds to that ID.
- Returns: success or fail message.
- /list-all --> Returns all todo list items in the firestore DB as a list.
- Deploying a Python Service to Cloud Run
- Firestore Documentation
- GCloud Firestore Data Models <-- The explainer videos are really good.
Remaining To Do:
- Clean up backend code to handle errors better.
- Build CI/CD pipeline
- Verify that how we're connecting to Firestore is the right way. Need to double-check with the Qwiklabs.
- Look into scalability parameters and all that stuff.