Lets make a competitive chess-bot!
Writing a chess-bot is a challenging, fun and educational experience. From optimization and testing, to algorithms and debugging, there is a lot to learn and do.
In this hackathon, you'll build a chess-bot that is capable of playing standard chess, and at the end, have them compete against each other.
- Rules
- Environment (Under construction)
- Submitting (Under construction)
- Minor league allowed code (Under construction)
- Resources (Under construction)
1st place in each league:
- The title "Grandmaster" on intra
- A Codam hoodie per teammate
- A trophy for the winning team
- 10k coalition points per teammate for the coalition they represent
- Bragging rights!
2nd place in each league:
- The title "International master" on intra
- A pair of socks per teammate
- 5k coalition points per teammate for the coalition they represent
- Bragging rights!
You might have already built many chess-bots, or this might be your first try. To keep things fair, this hackathon has two leagues:
Minor: Recommended for people building their first chess-bot. You'll "only" have to program the evaluation function, which determines which moves is the best.
Major: Recommended for people who have experience with programming chess-bots, and/or are in for a challenge. You'll have to write everything from scratch(*).
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all the rules. More rules and other information can be found on the GitHub page.
- Team compositions:
- Minor league: max 3 Codam students
- Major league: max 2 Codam students and/or alumni
- All code(*) will have to be written during the event.
- All code(*) must be written by your team and your team only. This means no generative AI or asking a "friend" to write the code for you.
- No using already existing chess-bots(**)
- Except the explicitly allowed libraries, the usage of libraries is not allowed. This includes "standard libraries" which are included in some programming languages. See the GitHub page for more info
*=There are some libraries (like standard libraries, libraries for parsing FENs, etc.) and boilerplate code that you'll be allowed to use, please see the GitHub page for more info. **=The minor league will be allowed to use a chess-bot boilerplate provided by us.