GitHubAPI wrapper for scala
- joda-time
- json4s
- async-http-client
To develop this, you have to get GitHub API Token.
You can get it from here.
Add this library and an HTTP client library to your build.sbt
Both versions 1.9 and 2.0 of the Asnyc HTTP Client are supported, so
you choose. Ning's HTTP client will request a log binding, so we'll
provide a basic one.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.ning" % "async-http-client" % "1.9.40",
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-simple" % "1.7.26",
"io.code-check" %% "github-api" % "0.3.0"
Using the code is as simple as starting an HTTP client instance, and providing it to the main API class.
import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClient
import codecheck.github.transport.asynchttp19.AsyncHttp19Transport
import codecheck.github.api.GitHubAPI
import codecheck.github.models._
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Future
object Main {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val githubToken = "a0b1c2d3e4f5g6h7ijklmnopqrst5u4v3w2x1y0z"
val httpClient = new AsyncHttp19Transport(new AsyncHttpClient())
val githubApi = new GitHubAPI(githubToken, httpClient)
val repoParams =
val repoListOp: Future[List[Repository]] =
val exec: Future[Unit] =
for (repos <- repoListOp)
for (repo <- repos)
yield println(repoToJson(repo))
exec.onFailure {
case e: Throwable => logger.error(e.toString)
Await.ready(exec, Duration.Inf)
/** Unsophisticated JSON serialization */
def repoToJson(repo: Repository): String =
| id: ${},
| name: "${}",
| full_name: "${repo.full_name}",
| url: "${repo.url}",
| description: "${repo.description.getOrElse("")}",
| owner: "${repo.owner.login}",
| open_issues_count: ${repo.open_issues_count}
export GITHUB_USER=[Your GitHub username]
export GITHUB_REPO=[Your GitHub test repo]
export GITHUB_TOKEN=[Your GitHub Token]
git clone -o upstream
cd github-api
sbt test
Currently, Java 8 is required to build this library. If you have
multiple versions of Java installed on your system, set it to Java 8
(also known as version 1.8). One method for choosing the Java version
is to override the value of JAVA_HOME
in the environment sbt runs.
$ env JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)" sbt
We don't aim to define all fields of JSON. Because these are too much and might be changed by GitHub.
We just define the fields we need.