If you want to grant your Nodejs GraphQL service a whole lot of the power of the MongoDb database standing behind it with very little hassle, you've come to the right place!
Given a simple GraphQL type:
new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'PersonType',
fields: () => ({
age: { type: GraphQLInt },
name: { type: new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'NameType',
fields: () => ({
first: { type: GraphQLString },
last: { type: GraphQLString }
fullName: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (obj, args, { db }) => `${obj.name.first} ${obj.name.last}`
Queries the first 50 people, oldest first, over the age of 18, and whose first name is John.
people (
filter: {
age: { GT: 18 },
name: {
first: { EQ: "John" }
sort: { age: DESC },
pagination: { limit: 50 }
) {
To implement, we'll define the people query field in our GraphQL scheme like so:
people: {
type: new GraphQLList(PersonType),
args: getGraphQLQueryArgs(PersonType),
resolve: getMongoDbQueryResolver(PersonType,
async (filter, projection, options, obj, args, context) => {
return await context.db.collection('people').find(filter, projection, options).toArray();
You'll notice that integrating the package takes little more than adding some fancy middleware over the resolve function. The filter, projection, options
added as the first paraneters of the callback, can be sent directly to the MongoDB find function as shown. The rest of the parameter are the standard recieved from the GraphQL api.
- Additionally, resolve fields' dependencies should be defined in the GraphQL type like so for version 1.6.6 and below and graphql version 14 and below:
and like so for version 1.7.0 and above and graphql 15 and above:
fullName: { type: GraphQLString, resolve: (obj, args, { db }) => `${obj.name.first} ${obj.name.last}`, dependencies: ['name'] // or ['name.first', 'name.Last'], whatever tickles your fancy }
This is needed to ensure that the projection does not omit any neccessary fields. Alternatively, if throughput is of no concern, the projection can be replaced with an empty object.fullName: { type: GraphQLString, resolve: (obj, args, { db }) => `${obj.name.first} ${obj.name.last}`, extensions: { graphqlToMongoDb: { dependencies: ['name'] // or ['name.first', 'name.Last'], whatever tickles your fancy } } }
- As of
package version 3.0, you should implement the resolve callback as:return await context.db.collection('people').find(filter, options).toArray();
The following field is added to the schema (copied from graphiQl):
filter: PersonFilterType
sort: PersonSortType
pagination: GraphQLPaginationType
): [PersonType]
age: IntFilter
name: NameObjectFilterType
OR: [PersonFilterType]
AND: [PersonFilterType]
NOR: [PersonFilterType]
* Filtering is possible over every none resolve field!
first: StringFilter
last: StringFilter
opr: OprExists
enum tyoe can be EXISTS
, and can be found in nested objects and arrays
EQ: String
GT: String
GTE: String
IN: [String]
LT: String
LTE: String
NEQ: String
NIN: [String]
NOT: [StringFNotilter]
age: SortType
enum can be either ASC
limit: Int
skip: Int