PhotoFeed is a project spear-headed by @jrue, @aweber, @yumyumseth and @cryptoctopus that aims to improve the experience of those who want to see beautiful professional photography on
- support the #photofeed community by
- making the photo viewing experience better
- make it easier for photofeed curators to find great photographs
- showcase the trending photographs to highlight the growing community
This project is an Express.js app
Photofeed uses a database to store alest featured photographers
create a database at create a user for your new database create a .env file at the project root and enter the details below
update databaseUrl
in bin/www
with the url to your databse on mlab
npm install -g parcel-bundler
npm run dev
- to watch for changes in src/ folder
npm run build
- builds for prod
- navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser
- read directly form database not blockchain API
- Submit Directly from
- Search by tags
- FAQ for visitors non familiar with the Steem
- Maintain own database for better speed & stability
- friendly SAP framework, suggestions?
- filters, ranking, there are far more possibilities because this is a custom system
Contributions are welcome.