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Bill McMillin edited this page Aug 27, 2015 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the wiki!

Quick-start guide

Here's how to get started and contribute:

Install Jekyll

Once you've got Jekyll installed:

  1. cd to repo root and git pull
  2. bundle install
  3. bundle exec jekyll serve
  4. check localhost:4000
  5. make sure that your _data/path.yml file's content is simply '/'
  6. git checkout -b issue-3
  7. make changes
  8. check http://localhost:4000 to see your changes
  9. git add {changed-files}
  10. git commit -m "fixes issue #3"
  11. add your branch to the remote git push --set-upstream origin issue#24
  12. git checkout master
  13. go to
  14. make a pull request base:master and compare:issue-3
  15. wait for someone to test your changes and merge
  16. do the dance of joy

To update the public site with any new changes:

  1. make a pull request base:gh-pages and compare:master
  2. Master should be up to date; you can merge your own pull request here.

Making changes to site CSS

Most of the base colors and fonts are set in Bootstrap 3.3.4's variables.less file located in prototype/bootstrap/less/. More info on compiling Bootstrap CSS with Grunt can be found on their Getting Started page. Other styles can be found in the css/main.css directory.


Technical Documentation from the Website Working Group.