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Eric Burden edited this page May 6, 2021 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the CodingDojo wiki!


Challenges will be submitted as issues. Vote (👍) on the challenges you think we should tackle.

The Weekly Flow

Friday before meetup

  1. Each week, a challenge will be added to the repository and posted on the CodeConnector Slack in #code.
  2. Driver, Navigator, Host, and Language should be decided

Tuesday (day of)

  1. The following Tuesday at 12pm CST, there will be a CodeConnector meetup where we will 'mob' the solution virtually via Zoom.
  2. The meetup ('mob') solution will be committed to the repository.
  3. Survey will be used so that participants can answer what was enjoyed, what wasn't, and what could be better.

Any Point After

  1. Participants can submit individual solutions following the guidelines below.


Solutions can be in whatever language you would like. Just because a challenge has a submitted solution does not mean that you can't contribute. We enjoy seeing how different people implement different solutions.

In order to submit a solution you will need to fork this repository, commit your changes into your fork, and then open a pull request (PR) to the main repository. At this point we will get a code reviewer to walk through the solution with you and make sure that everything is in order before merging to the main project.

  • The mob solution will be titled mob.[lang] in the /solutions/lang/mob directory for that challenge.
  • Individual solutions will be submitted through Pull Request (PR) from your individual fork of the CodeDojo repository. Code reviewers can/will assist with forming the solution such that it can be understood by others and be displayed for learning purposes.
  • Solutions may be submitted by anyone after the weekly meetup. Any and all solutions of this type should be named with the person's GitHub username and the lang, and placed into the solutions/lang/username folder (you can create the folders you need) for that challenge.
    • For example: solutions/python/xanderyzwich/ for a python solution by 'xanderyzwich' (GitHub username)
  • No individual solutions will be accepted in PR before the mob/meetup.
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