This repository stores the toml2json program, which you can use to convert TOML to JSON in your pwsh-based Code Dx add-in scripts.
You can run the following toml2json command:
./toml2json -tomlFile ./request.toml -jsonFile ./request.json
to convert the following request.toml file:
target = '' # the URL where the scan starts
runActiveScan = false # the decision to run an active scan (when true)
minRiskThreshold = 0 # the minimum risk code for report findings
minConfThreshold = 0 # the minimum confidence for report findings
type = "none" # the authentication type: none, formAuthentication, or scriptAuthentication
to the following JSON in request.json:
"authentication": {
"type": "none"
"context": {
"target": ""
"reportoptions": {
"minconfthreshold": 0,
"minriskthreshold": 0
"scanoptions": {
"runactivescan": false
Here's an example that shows how to read the JSON data in pwsh:
$ pwsh
PS> Get-Content ./request.json | ConvertFrom-Json
authentication context reportoptions scanoptions
-------------- ------- ------------- -----------
@{type=none} @{target=} @{minconfthreshold=0; minriskthreshold=0} @{runactivescan=False}