A proof-of-concept dashboard to monitor the health of the Kujira Ecosystem, and help manage and place Orca bids accordingly
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
This tech demo utilizes Phoenix's LiveView - an over-the-wire realtime rendering engine.
This allows us to load each individual market's health in realtime for a user - just as with a "traditional" RPC - yet the result is then cached and invalidated globally according to centrally defined rules, significantly improving the UX for all users.
For example, this allows the API server to listen to new transactions from the chain, and invalidate specific market's health response when a position is updated by an owner, or liquidated.
- Official website: https://www.phoenixframework.org/
- Guides: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/overview.html
- Docs: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix
- Forum: https://elixirforum.com/c/phoenix-forum
- Source: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix