Start to develop PSR-7 middleware applications in PHP in a minute!
Note: This project is a work in progress. Don't use it in production!
This component gives you a minimalist PSR-7 middleware framework for PHP.
It's based on zend-stratigility and offers an easy way to start developing using a single application object.
Install this library using composer:
$ composer require zendframework/zend-expressive:*@dev
Documentation is in the doc tree, and can be compiled using bookdown:
$ bookdown doc/bookdown.json
$ php -S -t doc/html/ # then browse to http://localhost:8080/
You can install bookdown globally using
composer global require bookdown/bookdown
. If you do this, make sure that$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin
is on your$PATH
Architectural notes are in
Please see the tests for full information on capabilities.