A re-creation of the Epicodus website, 11.14.2017
- Practice building a Rails application from scratch.
- Use nested models.
Epicodus is a bootcamp that makes its curriculum available online. In our re-creation of their website, chapters contain sections, and sections contain lessons. It is up to the user to add content.
- As a user, I want to:
- Create, edit, and delete chapters
- Create, edit, and delete sections
- Create, edit, and delete lessons
- Make user interface more attractive and intuitive
Run the following commands in Terminal:
$ git clone
this repository$ cd epic-odus
$ bundle install
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:test:prepare
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails s
- Navigate to localhost:3000
There are no known bugs at this time.
If you have issues, questions, ideas, or concerns, please contact Margaret. Feel free to make a contribution to the code.
- Ruby-on-Rails
- Ruby 2.4.1
- Rails 5.1.6
- ActiveRecord
This software is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2017 Margaret Berry and Mark Helt