with this program you can open any webpage by speech to run the code(main.py): 1)install SpeechRecognition library (pip install SpeechRecognition)
2)install pyaudio (pip install pyaudio)
3)in the path variable put the path of chrome or desired web browser and change all "" in path with "/" and add " %s" in the end of path
4)Now say the name of desired website for eg "amazon.com"
NOTE: wait for 0.5 sec after it says 'say something' (pls ignore the vercel :/)
I have also converted this into an python app using pyinstaller below is the drive link for zip file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19780SN9yzbkrnZhXl6pQ2WyF35h1QF5O/view?usp=share_link
(i have hardcoded the location of google chrome so it might not work on every pc)
app.py is the code used in drive. Given below is the example vedio of the installation and functioning of app: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ieb6BSEXSzNWEG2_URFtDeUNfnmP3rOx/view?usp=share_link