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Mickaël Leduque edited this page Mar 10, 2014 · 24 revisions


Using the tar.gz installation.

  • On dev machine, must change port for web console 8080 because conflicts with dev Tomcat -> etc/ (chose 18080). Also changed rest ports to follow (18888 and 18889) although not required.

  • Setup conf variable NUODB_HOME

  • 2 part launch : first "broker" then console

 > $NUODB_HOME/etc/nuoagent start
 > $NUODB_HOME/etc/nuowebconsole start

Setup test db

  • Tried to connect to localhost:18080 and run "quickstart" but this fails because it tries to write to /var (not writable).
  • use $NUODB_HOME/run-quickstart which works
  • after the script created the database and you quit the SQL console, the broker and the web console are left running (though it falsely report running on 8080) so you can continue tests.
  • You can see the database created in the webconsole http://localhost:18080/explorer.html
  • It's actually similar to our web explorer and sql console :


Well, now I have a running local database, I can try to connect to it.

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jar/nuodbjdbc.jar -DpomFile=nuodb-jdbc-2.0.3.pom
  • The JDBC url is in the form jdbc:com.nuodb://{broker1}:{port1},{broker2}:{port2},..,{brokerN}:{portN}/{database}?{params}. The broker is like an indirection that tells the client where it will connect, and there can be more than one
  • Currently our wizard only support one "server". For the tests, I will assume the "server" is the broker and only support one.
  • the JDBC documentation seems to mean the dba user/password is required !
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