Inventory server is a "quick tool" designed to manage coderbunker's equipements using QR code. It is a web based application that provides maintenance information for users and service staff.
Go there for instructions to install npm and nodejs using package manager there
git clone
cd inventory-server
npm install
npm start
At this point you can go to home page by typing this on your webbrowser:
Try also
Avoid pushing straight to the master branch any code that needs review. Please follow the following steps.
git checkout master
git stash
git pull origin master
git checkout -b my_changes #give a better name, could be an issue number or a title
git commit -am "some change"
git rebase master #ensure the master is up-to-date at this moment
git push origin my_branch
git checkout master #your local master is clean, no changes on this branch
git pull origin master
git branch -d my_branch #if you don't need that branch anymore you can delete it
the project is structured around expressjs
To deploy inventory-server you need an account a heroku account
heroku login
git clone
cd inventory-server
- In order to quickly create a new deployment of this repository, create your copy repository hosted in their server:
You can create one with one command: Skip this step if you want to manage our deployment. heroku create #will add a remote repository called 'heroku'(ensure you don't have an existing remote with that name)
git clone
cd inventory-server
git remote add heroku
heroku git:clone -a enigmatic-brushlands-32514
cd enigmatic-brushlands-32514
- Push the version of the repository you want to deploy on the 'heroku' remote, for instance if you want to deploy your master branch type:
git push heroku master
#No matter the local branch you are pushing, it is recommended to push on heroku remote's master branch
git push heroku my_branch:master #only if you are using a different branch
heroku ps:scale web=1
Et voilà