Open Weather Gem, A wrapper around open weather API, makes working with weather fun.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'open_weather_sdk'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install open_weather_sdk
Create a config file in initializers and add an API key config/initializers/open_weather.rb
OpenWeather.config do |config|
config.api_key = 'your key'
Params Overview
||- name -> string
||- id -> string || integer, read more about city id's on
||- coords -> array [lon, lat]
||- zipcode -> string || integer
||- country -> string: country code eg: GH -> Ghana
|[optional]|- lang -> string: eg: en -> english, fr -> french
|[optional]|- units -> string: eg: standard, metric, imperial
OpenWeather::CurrentWeather.by_city(name: "london") #params: name -> "london", lang -> 'en', units -> "standard" return => {"coord"=>{"lon"=>-0.1257, "lat"=>51.5085}, "weather"=>[{"id"=>804, "main"=>"Clouds", "description"=>"overcast clouds", "icon"=>"04n"}], "base"=>"stations", "main"=>{"temp"=>291.69, "feels_like"=>291.66, "temp_min"=>289.32, "temp_max"=>293.05, "pressure"=>1022, "humidity"=>79}, "visibility"=>10000, "wind"=>{"speed"=>3.6, "deg"=>220}, "clouds"=>{"all"=>97}, "dt"=>1628885709, "sys"=>{"type"=>2, "id"=>2019646, "country"=>"GB", "sunrise"=>1628829784, "sunset"=>1628882870}, "timezone"=>3600, "id"=>2643743, "name"=>"London", "cod"=>200}
Get weather by zipcode and country code. more info ->
OpenWeather::CurrentWeather.by_zip(zipcode: 94040, country: "us") #params: zipcode -> 94040, lang -> 'en', units -> "standard"
Get weather by geographic coordinates[lon, lat]. more info ->
OpenWeather::CurrentWeather.by_coords(coords: [-0.8393, 9.40078]) #params: coords -> [lon, lat], lang -> 'en', units -> "standard"
Get weather by city id. more info ->
OpenWeather::CurrentWeather.by_city_id(id: 2294877) #params: id -> 2294877, lang -> 'en', units -> "standard"
OpenWeather::HourlyForecast.by_city(# name, units, lang)
OpenWeather::HourlyForecast.by_city_id(# id, units, lang)
OpenWeather::HourlyForecast.by_coords(# [lon lat], units, lang)
OpenWeather::HourlyForecast.by_find(# [lon, lat], count, units, lang)
OpenWeather::HourlyForecast.by_zip(# zipcode, units, lang)
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.