Telegram-DMI-Bot is the platform that powers @DMI_bot, a Telegram bot aided at helping students find informations about professors, classes' schedules, administration's office hours and more.
The bot is live on Telegram with the username @DMI_Bot. Send '/start' to start it, '/help' to see a list of commands.
Please note that the commands and their answers are in Italian.
If you want to test the bot by creating your personal instance, follow this steps:
- Clone this repository or download it as zip.
- Send a message to your bot on Telegram, even '/start' will do. If you don't, you could get an error
- Make a copy of the file "data/DMI_DB.db.dist" in the same directory and rename it to "DMI_DB.db" to enable the database sqlite
- Make a copy of the file "config/settings.yaml.dist" in the same directory and rename it to "settings.yaml" (If you don't have a token, message Telegram's @BotFather to create a bot and get a token for it)
- Now you can launch "" with your Python3 interpreter
- Python 3
- python-pip3
- language-pack-it
- libqtwebkit (v5)
- python-telegram-bot==12.8
- pydrive
- requests
- beautifulsoup4
- python-gitlab
- pytz
- pandas
- dryscrape
- pillow
To install all the requirements you can run:
sudo apt install libqtwebkit-dev
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Open terminal in your repo folder and run command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rock-core/qt4
After adding the PPA, it should automatically refresh the system package cache. If not, you may run command to manually update the package cache:
sudo apt update
Download webkit-server from github:
git clone webkit-server
Change in webkit-server/ :
shutil.copy('src/webkit_server', self.build_purelib)
shutil.copy('src/webkit_server', self.build_platlib)
shutil.copy('src/', self.build_purelib)
shutil.copy('src/', self.build_platlib)
then run:
cd webkit-server
python install
- There you go!
Notes: only some users are allowed to use these commands indeed there is an if condition that check the chatid of the user that can use them
You can enable these commands setting disable_db = 0 and copy data/DMI_DB.db.dist into data/DMI_DB.db
This command shows the statistics of the times where the commands are used in the last 30 days.
You can enable these commands setting disable_drive = 0, configure the GoogleDrive credentials and copy data/DMI_DB.db.dist into data/DMI_DB.db.
/drive: command to get the GoogleDrive files /request allows the user to send the subscribe request to get the access for /drive /adddb allows some special users to give the access to /drive to another user
- open a project on the Google Console Developer
- enable Drive API
- download the drive_credentials.json and put it on config/
- copy config/settings.yaml.dist into config/settings.yaml, then configure it
Build image dmibot with docker:
$ docker build ./ -t dmibot --build-arg TOKEN=<token_API>
Run the container dmibot:
$ docker run -it dmibot
Now you can go to the dmibot directory and run the bot:
$ cd /usr/local/dmibot/
$ python
Note: if you need to run the in a VPS, you will need now xvfb-run to run it (xvfb-run python3
), because dryscrape requires it.
- pytest
- pytest-asyncio
- telethon
To install all the test requirements you can run:
pip3 install -r test-requirements.txt
- Sign in your Telegram account with your phone number here. Then choose โAPI development toolsโ
- If it is your first time doing so, it will ask you for an app name and a short name, you can change both of them later if you need to. Submit the form when you have completed it
- You will then see the api_id and api_hash for your app. These are unique to your app, and not revocable.
- Edit the folling values in the config/settings.yaml file:
api_hash: hash of the telegram app used for testing
api_id: id of the telegram app used for testing
session: session of the telegram app used for testing (see steps below)
tag: tag of the bot used for testing
token: token for the bot used for testing
representatives_group: representatives' group id used for testing
dev_group_chatid: dev's group id used for testing
- Copy the file "tests/" in the root folder and Run
python3 .
- Follow the procedure and copy the session value it provides in the settings file in "test:session". You can then delete the "" you just used, you won't need it again
- Edit the remaining values in the settings file as you like
Check here if you want to have more information on the steps above
Start tests:
This open-source software is published under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) version 3. Please refer to the "LICENSE" file of this project for the full text.
You can find the list of contributors here If you want to contribute, make sure to read the guidelines