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Creating a Pull Request

Tim Fischbach edited this page Dec 27, 2017 · 6 revisions

All your contributions should happen on feature branches. Your master branch should only ever change by pulling commits from upstream as described above.

# ensure you are on branch master
$ git checkout master

# create a feature branch
$ git checkout -b my-feature

# make changes and commit
$ git commit

# push the feature branch to your fork
$ git push origin

Now you can visit the GitHub repository page and create a pull request from your feature branch. Be sure to provide a thorough explanation of the changes you propose. Note that you can push further commits to your branch to update the pull request.

Once the pull request is merged update your fork. master will now include your changes.

If you want to apply your local changes to gems without bundle update you can specify path in gemfile:

 gem 'pageflow-support', path: 'your/path'

There are some more guidelines to follow, depending on what kind of pull requests you make: