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Tim Fischbach edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 10 revisions

When moving your project to a newer version of the Pageflow gem, there are a couple of steps you need to perform to upgrade your application.


See Pageflow's versioning policy for details on which changes to expect in which version updates.

Please always carefully review the CHANGELOG for additional instructions before updating.

Increasing the Gem Version

cd my_pageflow_app
$EDITOR Gemfile # Increase Pageflow version
bundle update pageflow

Database Migrations

You need to make sure the most recent migrations are applied to your database. Here's the full process:

bundle exec rake railties:install:migrations 

This copies new migrations from Pageflow and its plugins to the db/migrate directory inside your app. Then run:

bundle exec rake db:migrate

Changing the asset version

New versions contain updated locale files for i18n-js. The most bulletproof way to incorporate all new translations is to change your asset version. This will recompile all assets once you deploy.

# config/initializers/assets.rb

# When updating Pageflow, update the assets version as well. It will force a refresh for i18n-js.
Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.x'

Here x is a placeholder for the number you are supposed to increase.

Now restart your app and the Resque workers.