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This helps getting azure appservice authentication working with core. The history of this project starts here:


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This helps getting azure appservice authentication working with core.


The EasyAuth handler is provided as a nuget package and can be found on

Name Status
CZ.AspNetCore.EasyAuthAuthentication Nuget Badge

You can add the package for example with the following dotnet command:

dotnet add package CZ.AspNetCore.EasyAuthAuthentication

Pre-releases of this Package are pushed to an internal feed on Azure DevOps.

Note: For internal team members, there are also access to packages from pull requests in another Azure DevOps feed. All Packages in this feed has a name like this: PR-{pull request number}-CZ.AspNetCore.EasyAuthAuthentication. So you must only pick the package of your PR to check your changes in a test project. All changes of the pull request are tracked in the pull request package version history.


The build environment for this project is on Azure DevOps and can be found here

Nuget package build

Name Status
CZ.AspNetCore.EasyAuthAuthentication-CI [Build Status
Alpha Alpha
Beta Beta
Release Release


In your Startup of your WebApp you must configure your authentication schemes and add easy auth to you dependency injection. The easiest way is to use the configuration of your web app. This can be done in the ConfigureServices method in your Startup.

    options =>
        options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = EasyAuthAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
        options.DefaultChallengeScheme = EasyAuthAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;

The next you must add the easy auth middleware to the ASP.NET pipeline. This can be enabled by the folling section in your Configuremethod in the Startup:


Warning: make sure you add the UseAuthentication in the right order for your use case.

The last thing is to add the following section in the appsettings.json to enabled the basic providers:

"easyAuthOptions": {
  "providerOptions": [
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthForAuthorizationTokenService",
        "Enabled": true
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthAzureAdService",
        "Enabled": true

After this you can use your app can translate the claims of easy auth for azure AD by it's own.

Configure Azure App Service

In general you need a windows based App Service Plan to get this working. There is no Easy Auth implementation in the linux based app service plans!

Information: for current documentation about this azure feature see here.

The first step is enable the authentication feature in azure. It is important to disabled anonymous requests!

basic auth settings

Then you need the connection to your azure active directory. (other providers currently not implemented)

azure AD configuration

Save all and publish your app. This allows you to use the user claim in you app like:

public string UserName()
    _ = User.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Name, "");
    _ = User.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, "SystemAdmin");
    _ = HttpContext.User.IsInRole("SystemAdmin");
    _ = User.IsInRole("SystemAdmin");
    return HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

Local Debugging

Information: for this step it is required to have an configured app service!

This library give you an easy way to do local debugging enabled while your app is 100% cloud native. To do this you must only do a request to the following azure url:


The result of the request is a json with the authentication information of your current user. Put this json simply in the file wwwroot/.auth/me.json, and you are these user in your next debugging session. You also don't need a connection to the internet.

Important: You must enable UseStaticFiles in your Startup. This is the case in the default ASP.NET frontend project.

Details of the implementation

Adding custom roles

If you want to add roles to the User property you can have a look in Transformers/ClaimsTransformer.cs in the Sample project. There you can see an example how to get started with this.

Configure options via configuration (recommended)

You can use the default behavior of core to configure EasyAuth. You must only change in your Startup.cs the .AddEasyAuth() to .AddEasyAuth(this.Configuration).

To get the property this.Configuration in your Startup.cs you must add IConfiguration configuration to your constructor parameters and create a property.

To configure you providers you simple add the following to your appsettings.json. (or to your environment variables, or other configuration sources.)

"easyAuthOptions": {
    "AuthEndpoint": ".auth/me",
    "providerOptions": [
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthForAuthorizationTokenService",
        "Enabled": true,
        "NameClaimType": "", // optional
        "RoleClaimType": "roles" // optional
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthAzureAdService",
        "Enabled": true,
        "NameClaimType": "", //optional
        "RoleClaimType": "" //optional

Here are some notes to the JSON above:

  • each provider is disabled by default so you must enabled it
  • you can create own providers but there must implement IEasyAuthAuthentificationService. But you must also activate them here. (Don't put them in the DI. This package will do this by it's own.)
  • The ProviderName is the class name of the provider. that must be unique in your application.
  • The xClaimType property only define the property in the token that provide the required information. Internally that will always mapped to name and role claims.

A list of all providers can be found in the headline Auth Provider

Configure options via code (not recommended)

Custom options

You can provide additional options for the middleware:

   options => {
      // Add the EasyAuthForApplicationService auth provider and enabled it. Also Change the NameClaimType
      options.AddProviderOptions(new ProviderOptions("EasyAuthForApplicationsService"){Enabled = true, NameClaimType = "Test"})

The NameClaimType is the ClaimType of the value which one will be used to fill the User.Identity.Name field.

Local Debugging advance

For debugging your application you can place a me.json in the wwwroot/.auth folder of your web app and add some configuration to the AddEasyAuth call. For example:

"localProviderOption": {
   "AuthEndpoint": ".auth/me.json",
   "NameClaimType": "",
   "RoleClaimType": ""

This provider automatically deactivate it self in azure, to avoid anonymous access!

Info: You can obtain the content for this file from an Azure Web App with EasyAuth configured by requesting the /.auth/me endpoint.

Info: Make sure you added static file handling to your pipeline by adding app.UseStaticFiles(); to your public void Configure method in the Startup.cs, e.g. just after app.UseHttpsRedirection(); entry. Otherwise the static file can not be found at runtime.

Info: Using a wwwroot sub-folder name that starts with '.', like the suggested .auth folder name, is useful for content relevant only for localhost debugging as these are treated as hidden folders and are not included in publish output.

Auth Provider

There are some predefined providers in this package. If you need your own or want contribute to our existing providers you must implement the IEasyAuthAuthentificationService.

All providers can be configured with the following section in the appsettings.json

"easyAuthOptions": {
    "providerOptions": [
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthForAuthorizationTokenService", // type name of the provider
        "Enabled": true,
        "NameClaimType": "", // optional
        "RoleClaimType": "roles" // optional
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthForAuthorizationTokenService",
        "Enabled": true
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthAzureAdService",
        "Enabled": true
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthMicrosoftService",
        "Enabled": true
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthFacebookService",
        "Enabled": true
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthTwitterService",
        "Enabled": true
        "ProviderName": "EasyAuthGoogleService",
        "Enabled": true
    // the following is optional
    "localProviderOption": {
      "AuthEndpoint": ".auth/me.json",
      "NameClaimType": "",
      "RoleClaimType": ""


This is a slightly special provider. It does not implement the 'IEasyAuthAuthentificationService'. This provider is for development only! It automatic disable it self, if you has configured azure easy auth feature. A developer can create a JSON with the content of the /.auth/me endpoint of an EasyAuth protected Azure Web App. So you don't need a connection to the internet or azure for development and just use your local things. You must only configure an Azure Web App with Authentication and browse the path:


This endpoint returns a json after the authentication. Put the content in a new file in your wwwroot folder. (for example create a path like in the wwwroot folder: .auth/me.json)

If you must customize the settings of that provider you can add the section localProviderOption to your appsettings.json:

"localProviderOption": {
   "AuthEndpoint": ".auth/me",
   "NameClaimType": "",
   "RoleClaimType": ""


Use this provider if you have a Azure Web App, that is not only be used by humans. For instance if you want to access your app with a Service Principal (SPN).

To create a Service Principal (SPN), which get access to your EasyAuth protected Application. You have to change the app manifest for you application in your Azure AD. Thanks to Suzuko123 for the following sample:

"appRoles": [
	    "allowedMemberTypes": [
	    "description": "allow a call as system admin.",
		"displayName": "SystemAdmin",
		"id": "dd6d2784-5fa1-4c97-9f9b-8376a85b4163",
		"isEnabled": true,
		"lang": null,
		"origin": "Application",
		"value": "SystemAdmin"

This will allow a spn to get the role SystemAdmin in your protected application. The default User.Identity.Name of an SPN is the SPN Guid.


This is the most common auth provider. You can use it to work with Azure Active Directory Users in your easy auth application.


If your users only has personal accounts because your app isn't a bushiness application, use this provider.


If your users are primary come from facebook use this provider.


If your users are primary come from twitter use this provider.


If your users are primary come from twitter use this provider.


  • Kirsten Kluge - Initial work - kirkone
  • paule96 - Refactoring / implementing the new stuff - paule96
  • Christoph Sonntag - Made things even more uber - Compufreak345
  • myusrn - Dropped some knowledge about making IsInRoles work - myusrn
  • Suzuko123 - Dropped some knowledge about Service Principals with easy auth - Suzuko123
  • MaximRouiller - _Dropped the idea to check if the app service is configured right. .MaximRouiller

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.



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