Demo project for the CodelyTV Pro video course
Building an app with VueJS and Jest using TDD
you may find in: Crea una app con VueJS y Jest aplicando TDD
Note that although all the videos and course contents are in Spanish, this repo is only available in English.
This project is very old and tests were a bit outdated 😓
We just migrated every test to Vue Testing Library and set testing-library
as the default branch 🔥
(You can always jump to jotas
branch if you want to check the old fashioned tests).
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
$ npm install
# run tests
$ yarn unit
$ npm run unit
# run tests in watch mode
$ yarn unit:watch
$ npm run unit:watch
# run tests in with coverage
$ yarn unit:coverage
$ npm run unit:coverage
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
$ yarn dev mat
$ npm run dev mat
# 'mat' was the material theme, try iOS with
$ yarn dev ios
$ npm run dev ios
# build for production with minification
$ quasar build
You may want to wrap the App into a native mobile App. Given you already have Cordova and an Android or iOS SDK installed in your system, run:
quasar wrap cordova
cordova platform add android
cordova run android
For full details, take a look to the Quasar guide.