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You can check the app running HERE!

Getting Started!

You will need to register in themoviedb to create your API_KEY (for version v3). Once you have an API_KEY you need to rename /config/secrets2.js to /config/secret.js and paste your API_KEY.

install dependencies

$ yarn install


$ npm install

run tests

$ jest --watch

serve with hot reload at localhost:8080

$ yarn dev mat


$ npm run dev mat

'mat' was the material theme, try iOS with

$ yarn dev ios


$ npm run dev ios

build for production with minification

$ quasar build

Going Mobile!

You may want to wrap the App into a native mobile App. Given you already have Cordova and an Android or iOS SDK installed in your system, run:

quasar wrap cordova
cordova platform add android
cordova run android

For full details, take a look to the Quasar guide.


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