This repo hosts a demo to show off some of the features of the Javascript Web Audio API. In it, you can open some audio of your choice (live streaming, remote files, or local files are all supported), and manipulate the audio with a few different features of the API including gain, reverb via convolution, high and low pass filters, and audio panning.
This particular impulse response was recorded at the Athénée théâtre Louis-Jouve in Paris, so when you listen to something with reverb and you close your eyes, rumor has it you can smell fresh baked bread.
- Add support for all possible filter nodes
- DelayNode
- IIRFilterNode
- ChannelSplitterNode
- ChannelMergerNode
- DynamicsCompressorNode
- WaveShaperNode (distortion)
- All forms of the BiquadFilterNode (allpass, shelf, notch, peaking)
- Add support for other possible audio types
- OscillatorNode input
- ConstantSourceNode input
- User media input (microphone or other input devices)
- Add Analyzers in to the mix to see audio differences before and after a filter is added
- Display time domain data for analyzers
- User controls for colors in analyzers
- Selectable impulse responses
The impulse response is from Lieuxperdus's Théâtre Acoustique Room Impulse Response Library, licensed under the Create Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.