Releases: codion-is/codion
Releases · codion-is/codion
- DatabaseException now extends RuntimeException, no longer checked.
- ReportException now extends RuntimeException, no longer checked.
- ExceptionDialogBuilder.unwrap() added.
- AuditColumn removed, unused.
- AbstractAttributeDefinition, Item based attributes now use a custom comparator, sorting by caption.
- AttributeDefinition.definitionComparator() removed.
- Entity.groupKeysByType() moved to Entity.Key and renamed groupByType().
- Entity.Key.copyBuilder() renamed copy().
- Entity.Copy.immutable() removed.
- ValidationException now extends RuntimeException, no longer checked.
- EntityConnection.transaction() now catches Throwable.
- EntityConnection.Transactional and TransactionalResult.execute() now throw Exception.
- EntityTableCellRenderer, Item based cells now use the default horizontal alignment instead of the one based on the the item value type.
- DefaultEntityApplicationPanelBuilder bug fixed, exception handling during application start improved.
- NavigableImagePanel.isWithinImage() bug fixed, now returns false if image is null.
- FilterModel.VisibleItems.comparator() removed.
- DefaultAttribute.DefaultType.validateType() bug fixed, error message now contains the attribute.
- DefaultEntityDefinition, improved error message on duplicate attribute names.
- DefaultFilterComboBoxModel.DefaultComparator bug fixed, did not use collator to sort strings.
- FilterComboBoxModel.NullItem removed.
- FilterComboBoxModel.Builder added, related refactoring.
- FilterComboBoxModel.ComboBoxSelection.translator() removed, Builder.translator() added.
- ItemComboBoxModel.SelectedItemTranslator refactored.
- FilterTableSortModel.sortingChanged() renamed observer, now propagates the sorting state instead of a column identifier.
- FilterTableSortModel.sortOrder() replaced with columnSortOrder(), sortPriority() removed, ColumnSortOrder.priority() added.
- FilterTableSortModel.sorted() removed.
- FilterTableSortModel.setSortingEnabled() and isSortingEnabled() replaced with State based sortingEnabled().
- FilterTableSortModel, refactoring mistake fixed, sortOrder() no longer returns Optional.
- FilterTableSortModel moved back to swing.common.model.
- EntityComboBoxModel.Filter and ForeignKeyFilter added.
- DefaultEntityComboBoxModel bug fixed, now uses the comparator from the entity it is based on.
- EntityComboBoxModel.ForeignKeyFilter.set() overloaded for a single Key.
- EntityComboBoxModel.Builder.comparator() added.
- DefaultEntityComboBoxModel.SelectedItemTranslator removed.
- EntityComboBoxModel.ForeignKeyFilter.get() added.
- EntityApplicationPanel now disposes all windows on exit.
- EntityTablePanel, row limit configuration field now selects all on focus gained.
- EntityTablePanel, row limit configuration now accessible by double clicking the status panel.
- DomainSource refactored.
- DomainSource can now generate DTOs.
- ConditionModel.WILDCARD default now PREFIX_AND_POSTFIX.
- FilterModel.Refresher.supplier() removed.
- DefaultFilterComboBoxModel.DefaultComboBoxItems.visiblePredicate bug fixed, now Notify.WHEN_SET.
- DefaultFilterTableModel.VisiblePredicate.predicate bug fixed, now Notify.WHEN_SET.
- ItemComboBoxModel no longer extends DefaultFilterComboBoxModel, now a factory class.
- ItemComboBoxModel.Builder along with builder() added, replacing factory methods.
- FilterComboBoxModel.ComboBoxSelection.validPredicate() removed.
- FilterComboBoxModel.ComboBoxItems.validator() removed.
- DefaultFilterTableCellRenderer.DefaultBuilder bug fixed, useBooleanRenderer now initialized before settings, in order for a correct horizontal alignment for boolean columns.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.Factory.create() T type parameter removed.
- FilterTableColumnModel.identifiers() added.
- DefaultFilterTableCellRenderer bug fixed, cell specific background color now included in alternate row coloring, some refactoring and renaming.
- DefaultLocalEntityConnection.delete() bug fixed, database exception now with the correct Operation.
- EntityComboBoxModel, foreign key filtering and linking improved.
- EntityComboBoxModel.foreignKeyVisiblePredicate() renamed foreignKeyFilterPredicate().
- EntityComboBoxModel.ForeignKeyFilters added, related refactoring.
- EntityComboBoxModel now an interface.
- EntityComboBoxModel.ForeignKeyFilters renamed ForeignKeyFilter.
- EntityComboBoxModel.ForeignKeyComboBoxModelFactory and ForeignKeyComboBoxModelLinker removed, added.
- EntityComboBoxModel.Builder added, related refactoring.
- EntityComboBoxModel.ForeignKeyFilter.builder() added.
- EntityComboBoxModel.ForeignKeyFilter.builder() now sets includeNull() to true if the foreign key is nullable.
- EntityComboBoxModel.foreignKeyFilter() renamed filter().
- EntityTablePanel.Config.cellRenderer() and cellEditor() added.
- EntityComboBox.model() added for consistency.
- EntityComboBox.createForeignKeyFilterControl() removed.
- EntityTablePanel, no longer removes tooltips from south toolbar buttons, seem to only block mouse cursor in MetalLookAndFeel.
- EntityTableCellRenderer bug fixed, create(Attribute, SwingEntityTableModel) never got called.
- EntityTable.Config.cellEditorFactory() and cellRendererFactory() added.
- EntityTableCellRenderer.Factory.create() T type parameter removed.
- EntityDependenciesPanel.displayDependenciesDialog() removed, EntityTablePanel and EntityEditPanel refactored accordingly.
- EntityTablePanel no longer applies preferences when constructed, applyPreferences() now public.
- EntityPanel.applyPreferences() now public.
- EntityApplicationPanel now handles applying preferences for its entity panels.
- EntityTablePanel now remembers and reuses the dependencies dialog size.
- EntityTablePanel now remembers and reapplies column user preferences for dependency panels, related refactoring.
- EntityApplicationPanel, cached entity panels displayed via displayEntityPanel() now remember their size next time they are opened.
- EntityPanelBuilder bug fixed, no longer overrides the panel condition and filter view, unless explicitly set in the builder.
- EntityApplicationPanel.CALL_SYSTEM_EXIT added.
- EntityComboBox.foreignKeyComboBox() and ForeignKeyComboBoxFactory removed.
- DatabaseFactory.createDatabase() renamed create().
- DatabaseConnection.rollbackTransaction() and commitTransaction() no longer ignore exceptions, now throw SQLException.
- ColumnConditions renamed TableConditionModel.
- TableConditionModel.ColumnConditionFactory renamed ConditionModelFactory.
- FilterColumnConditionPanel.Builder.operatorCaptions() added.
- ColumnConditionPanel.identifier() removed along with type parameter.
- FilterColumnConditionPanel column identifier type parameter removed, related refactoring.
- FilterTableCellEditorFactory.tableCellEditor() renamed create() for consistency.
- FilterTableCellRendererFactory.tableCellRenderer() renamed create() for consistency.
- ColumnConditionsPanel.selectableConditionPanels() back to returning Collection instead of Map.
- ColumnConditionPanels.conditionPanels(), selectableConditionPanels() and selectConditionPanel() renamed panels(), selectablePanels() and selectPanel() respectively.
- FilterTable.filterPanel() renamed filters().
- FilterTableCellRendererFactory moved to FilterTableCellRenderer and renamed Factory.
- FilterTableCellEditorFactory moved to FilterTableCellEditor and renamed Factory.
- ColumnConditionPanels.selectablePanels() and selectPanel() renamed selectable() and select() respectively.
- FilterTable.Builder.conditionState() renamed filterState().
- DefaultToolBarBuilder bug fixed, now cleans up separators like DefaultMenuBuilder, related refactoring.
- ColumnConditionPanel.caption() removed, related refactoring.
- ColumnConditionsPanel captions function added as constructor parameter.
- ColumnConditionPanel renamed ConditionPanel.
- ColumnConditionsPanel.panels() and panel() renamed get().
- ColumnConditionsPanel renamed TableConditionPanel.
- ConditionPanel.ConditionState renamed ConditionView.
- FilterColumnConditionPanel.Fields added.
- FilterTableColumnModel.Visible and Hidden added, related refactoring.
- FilterTableColumnModel.containsColumn() and resetColumns() renamed contains() and reset() respectively.
- FilterColumnConditionPanel bug fixed, did not link all components to locked state.
- TableConditionPanel bug fixed, incorrect baseBundleName in MessageBundle.
- FilterColumnConditionPanel renamed ColumnConditionPanel.
- ConditionPanel.conditionView() and TableConditionPanel.conditionView() renamed view().
- FilterTableCellRenderer.CellColors replaced with ColorProvider, Builder.foreground() and background() added, related refactoring.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.Builder, column identifier type parameter removed.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.Factory.create() parameter now column identifier instead of column.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.Builder, column value type parameter added.
- FilterTableCellEditor.Factory.create() parameter now column identifier instead of column.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.UISettings added, DefaultFilterTableCellRenderer refactored.
- FilterTable.Builder.cellEditor() and cellRenderer() added, related refactoring.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.Color.Provider.color() column parameter added.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.Builder row and column identifier type parameters added.
- FilterTable.Builder.cellEditor() and cellRenderer() now long Supplier based.
- FilterTableCellRenderer, renaming and refactoring.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.ColorProvider.color() row and column index parameters replaced with row item and column identifier.
- FilterTableCellRenderer column type parameter added, related refactoring.
- Entity.copy(), copyBuilder() and deepCopy() moved to Entity.Copy, renamed mutable(), builder() and deep() respectively, immutable() added.
- ImmutableEntity bug fixed, StackOverflowError when creating an immutable entity with cyclical foreign key dependencies, some refactoring.
- Entity.Copy.deep() removed.
- EntityDefinition.backgroundColorProvider() and foregroundColorProvider() removed.
- EntityDefinition.conditionProvider() renamed condition().
- EntityConnection.rollbackTransaction() and commitTransaction() no longer ignore exceptions, now throw DatabaseException.
- EntityConnection.transaction() added along with Transactional and TransactionalResult.
- EntityConnection.Transactional and TransactionalResult.execute() now throw Exception instead of DatabaseException.
- DefaultLocalEntityConnection.valueMissingOrModified() bug fixed, could not discern a missing value from a null original value, since the incorrent entity was being used when checking, test case improved.
- EntityConditions.AdditionalCondition moved to EntityQueryModel, additionalWhere() and additionalHaving() renamed where() and having() respectively.
- EntityConditions renamed EntityConditionModel.
- EntityColumnConditionFactory renamed AttributeConditionModelFactory.
- EntityTableModel.backgroundColor() and foregroundColor() removed.
- SwingEntityColumnConditionFactory renamed SwingAttributeConditionModelFactory
- EntityApplicationPanel.Builder.ConnectionProviderFactory.createConnectionProvider() renamed create().
- EntityTablePanel.conditionPanel() renamed conditions().
- EntityTablePanel.Config.includeFilterPanel(), includeConditionPanel() and includeSummaryPanel() renamed includeFilters(), includeConditions() and includeSummary() respectively.
- EntityDependenciesPanel, dependencies dialog no longer modal.
- EntityTablePanel.Config.conditionState() and filterState() added.
- EntityDialogs.EntitySelectionDialogBuilder.configureTablePanel() added.
- EntityTableCellRendererBuilder removed.
- EntityTablePanel.Config.configureTable() renamed table().
- EntityTableCellRendererFactory replaced with EntityTableCellRenderer.
- EntityTable.Config.configureTable() renamed table().
- EntityTableCellRenderer.EntityColorProvider and Factory added.
- Value.Builder.initialValue() renamed value.
- Unused slf4j dependency removed.
- ConditionModel.identifier() removed, related refactoring.
- ConditionModel.AutomaticWildcard renamed Wildcard.
- ConditionModel.wildcard() now Mutable instead of Value.
- DefaultFilterTableModel, null item rejection improved.
- DefaultFilterTableSelection, null item rejection improved.
- FilterTableModel.conditions() renamed filters().
- TableConditionModel.conditions() renamed get().
- TableConditionModel renamed TableConditions.
- ConditionModelFactory renamed ColumnConditionFactory.
- ColumnConditionFactory.createColumnCondition() renamed create().
- TableConditions renamed ColumnConditions.
- AbstractComponentBuilder.setInitialValue() removed, no longer necessary now that the component value is always created, which is now used to set the initial value.
- SpinnerNumberValue now non-null and validates the value according to the model minimum and maximum, if specified.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.backgroundColor() tableModel parameter replaced with conditionModel
- DefaultFilterTableCellRenderer condition model cache removed.
- ComponentBuilder.initialValue() renamed value().
- AbstractComponentBuilder bug fixed, now only sets the componentOrientation if one has been specified, since it can affect the horizontalAlignment of components.
- AbstractSpinnerBuilder hack added to preserve the horizontal editor alignment through UI changes.
- FileInputPanel.ByteArrayInputPanelValue.setComponentValue() no longer throws UnsupportedOperationException.
- FileInputPanel improved, related refactoring.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.Builder.condition() renamed filter().
- TableConditionPanel.conditionModel() renamed conditions().
- FilterTable.Builder.resizeRowToFitEditor() added along with RESIZE_ROW_TO_FIT_EDITOR configuration value.
- FilterColumnConditionPanel.FieldFactory, type parameter added to create methods.
- NumberField.getNumber(), setNumber() and value() replaced with Mutable number().
- DefaultEntityConditionModel, no longer wraps a single condition in a condition combination.
- EntityConditionModel.AdditionalCondition added, related refactoring.
- EntityTableConditions renamed EntityConditions.
- EntityTableCellEditorFactory.editModel() added.
- EntityTableCellRenderer removed.
- EntityTableCellEditorFactory.builder() now final, tableCellRenderer() no longer final.
- EntityTableCellRendererBuilder, query condition model cache removed.
- EntityEditComponentPanel.requestComponentFocus() now uses requestFocusInWindow() instead of requestFocus().
- bug fixed, did not support multiple links.
- SingleSelectionModel and SelectionModel renamed SingleSelection and Selection respectively.
- FilterModel.clear() moved to Items.
- FilterModel.Refresher.refresh() removed, refresh() now protected in AbstractRefresher.
- ColumnSummaryModel renamed SummaryModel.
- SingleSelection and Selection renamed SingleItemSelection and MultiItemSelection respectively.
- FilterModel.Items.Visible and Filtered moved to FilterModel and renamed VisibleItems and FilteredItems respectively.
- common.model.loadtest and randomizer packages moved to codion-loadtest-core module.
- Item no longer extends Comparable.
- FilterComboBoxModel.includeNull() and nullItem() moved to NullItem.
- FilterComboBoxModel.replace() moved to FilterComboBoxModelItems.
- FilterComboBoxModel.validator() moved to FilterComboBoxModelItems.
- FilterComboBoxModel.cleared() moved to FilterComboBoxModelItems.
- FilterComboBoxModel.selectedItemTranslator() moved to FilterComboBoxSelectionModel and renamed translator().
- FilterComboBoxModel.FilterComboBoxModelItems renamed FilterComboBoxItems.
- FilterComboBoxModel.validSelectionPredicate() moved to FilterComboBoxSelectionModel and renamed validPredicate().
- FilterComboBoxModel.filterSelectedItem() moved to FilterComboBoxSelectionModel and renamed filterSelected().
- FilterTableSelectionModel moved to FilterTableModel and renamed TableSelection.
- FilterComboBoxModel.FilterComboBoxSelectionModel renamed ComboBoxSelection.
- FilterComboBoxModel.FilterComboBoxItems renamed ComboBoxItems.
- DefaultFilterComboBoxModel.Selected bug fixed, selection empty state now set before fireContentsChanged() is called.
- FilterTableSearchModel.searchPredicate() renamed predicate().
- FileInputPanel.Builder now Path based.
- FileInputPanel.BuilderFactory added, now Path or byte[] based.
- EntityComboBoxModel.linkForeignKeyFilterComboBoxModel() and linkForeignKeyConditionComboBoxModel() replaced with foreignKeyComboBoxModelLinker() returning a ForeignKeyComboBoxModelLinker.
- EntityTableModel.rowCount() removed.
- EntityEditModel.EditableEntity.changed() renamed valueChanged().
- SwingEntityTableModel bug fixed, constructor used refresh, which could be async, instead of adding items directly to the model.
- EntityComponentFactory.caption() added, related refactoring.
- EntityComponentFactory, Attribute type parameter removed, DefaultEntityComponentFactory refactored accordingly.
- EntityComponents now supports byte[].
- StateObserver.isNull(), isNotNull() and nullable() now have default implementations.
- FilterModel.Items.visiblePredicate() moved to Items.Visible and renamed predicate().
- FilterModel, methods for adding and removing items now return true if the items are/were visible.
- FilterModel, addSorted() methods removed.
- FilterModel, index based add and remove methods moved to Items.Visible.
- FilterModel.comparator() and sort() moved to Items.Visible.
- FilterModel.Refresher.items() renamed supplier().
- FilterModel.refreshThen() and Refresher.refreshThen() renamed refresh().
- FilterModel.addItem(), addItems(), removeItem() and removeItems() moved to FilterModel.Items.
- FilterTableCellRenderer now caches the filter condition models to reduce memory churn during repaint.
- ForeignKeyDetailModelLink, configuration values renamed for clarity, a couple more added along with tests.
- EntityEditModel.EditableEntity and EditableValue added, related refactoring.
- AbstractEntityEditModel.validate(Entity) now final.
- AbstractEntityEditModel bug fixed, inserting, updating and deleting modified entities no longer trigger modification warnings.
- EntityEditModel.EditableEntity.clear() overridden, now clears all values from the entity as opposed to setting defaults.
- EntityComboBoxModel.createForeignKeyFilterComboBoxModel() and createForeignKeyConditionComboBoxModel() replaced with foreignKeyComboBoxModel() returning a ForeignKeyComboBoxModelFactory.
- EntityPanel.Config.description now initialized with entity description.
- EntityTableCellRenderer now caches the query condition models to reduce memory churn during repaint.
- EntityComboBox.createForeignKeyFilterComboBox() replaced with foreignKeyComboBox() returning a ForeignKeyComboBoxFactory.
- DomainSource.apiSearchString() bug fixed, space added after interface name, since table names can have common prefixes.
- PropertyStore, property access now based on predicates instead of key prefixes.
- ValueObserver and ValueSupplier no longer extend Supplier.
- EventObserver renamed Observer and moved to observable package.
- observable package renamed observer.
- DefaultObserver.removeWeakListener() and removeWeakConsumer() bug fixed, could possibly return true even if the listener was not removed, due to a null weak reference being removed.
- AbstractItem collator now ThreadLocal based.
- Mutable split from Observable.
- MethodLogger.Entry.hasChildEntries() removed.
- Item no longer Serializable, only the implementations.
- Mutable.clear() added.
- FilterModel.items() now Observable based, related refactoring.
- FilterModel.Items added, related refactoring.
- FilterModel.containsItem(), visible() and filtered() moved to Items, containsItem() renamed contains().
- FilterModel.filterItems() moved to Items, renamed filter().
- FilterModel.Refresher.success() now includes the refresh result.
- FilterModel.includeCondition() renamed visiblePredicate().
- TableSelectionModel moved to FilterModel and split into SingleSelectionModel and SelectionModel.
- SingleSelectionModel.selectionNotEmpty() removed.
- FilterModel.Items.VisibleItems and FilteredItems added, Items.visible(), filtered(), indexOf() and itemAt() moved.
- FilterModel.visiblePredicate() moved to Items.
- FilterModel.VisibleItems and FilteredItems.size() added.
- FilterModel.SelectionModel.isSelected() removed, SelectedItems and SelectedIndexes.contains() added.
- FilterModel.SingleSelectionModel and SelectionModel moved to common.model.selection package.
- FilterModel.selectionModel() renamed selection().
- SelectionModel, most methods renamed.
- SelectionModel.clear() moved to SingleSelectionModel.
- FilterModel.sortItems() renamed sort().
- FilterModel.Items.count() added, Items.Visible and Filtered.size() renamed count().
- TableConditionModel and ColumnConditionModel moved to condition package.
- TableSummaryModel and ColumnSummaryModel moved to package summary.
- TableConditionModel.conditionModel() renamed condition().
- ColumnConditionModel.columnClass() renamed valueClass().
- ColumnConditionModel renamed ConditionModel.
- TableConditionModel and ConditionModel.conditionChanged() renamed changed().
- TableConditionModel.conditions() and enabled(identifier) removed, condition() renamed get(), optional() added.
- DefaultFilterComboBoxModel refactored.
- FilterTableModel.dataChanged() removed.
- FilterTableModel, a few methods moved to FilterModel.
- FilterTableModel.indexOf() and itemAt() moved to FilterModel.Items.
- FilterTableModel, methods for adding and removing items moved to FilterModel.
- DefaultFilterComboBoxModel.Selected bug fixed, refactoring mistake.
- FilterModel.Items.VisibleItems and FilteredItems renamed Visible and Filtered respectively.
- FilterTableModel.filterModel() renamed conditionModel().
- FilterTableModel.conditionModel() renamed conditions().
- FilterTable, now propagates the associated MouseEvent as the source of the ActionEvent when doubleClickAction is performed.
- MenuBuilder no longer extends MenuItemBuilder.
- ComponentDialogBuilder.closeEvent() renamed closeObserver().
- ColumnConditionPanel.focusGainedEvent() renamed focusGainedObserver().
- DefaultMenuBuilder bug fixed, now trims and prevents multiple separators.
- Control.commandControl(), actionControl() and toggleControl() renamed command(), action() and toggle() respectively.
- FilterTable.filterPanel() renamed conditionPanel().
- ColumnConditionPanel.conditionModel() renamed condition().
- EntityEditModel.valueEdited() renamed edited().
- EntityEditModel.entity() now Mutable based.
- EntityTableConditionModel.enabled() now StateObserver based.
- EntityQueryModel split from EntityTableModel.
- AbstractEntityEditModel.DefaultUpdate.UpdateResult.handle() bug fixed, no longer triggers EntityEditPanel.beforeEntity().
- EntityTableConditionModel renamed EntityConditionModel.
- EntityConditionModelFactory renamed EntityColumnConditionModelFactory.
- EntityQueryModel.query() added for overriding the default query mechanism.
- EntityTableModel.selectionChanged() removed.
- EntitySearchModel.Selection added.
- AbstractEntityTableModel.find() bug fixed, now searches through all items, not just visible.
- AbstractEntityTableModel.indexOf() now loop based.
- EntityTableModel.find() and indexOf() removed.
- AbstractEntityTableModel.tableModel() renamed filterModel().
- EntityEditEvents.addListener() methods replaced with observer() methods.
- EntityConditionModel.attributeCondition() renamed attribute() added.
- EntityQueryModel.conditionModel() renamed conditions().
- EntityColumnConditionModelFactory renamed back to EntityConditionModelFactory.
- EntityComboBoxModel.setForeignKeyFilterKeys() renamed filterByForeignKey(), getForeignKeyFilterKeys() renamed foreignKeyFilterKeys().
- AbstractEntityTableModel extracted from SwingEntityTableModel.
- SwingEntityTableModel.tableModel() factory method replaced with constructor overloads, related refactoring.
- SwingEntityConditionModelFactory renamed SwingEntityColumnConditionModelFactory.
- SwingEntityColumnConditionModelFactory renamed back to SwingEntityConditionModelFactory
- EntityTablePanel bug fixed, Config.SHOW_REFRESH_PROGRESS_BAR now used for default config value.
- EntityDialogs bug fixed, now respects the location if specified.
- EntityTablePanel, edit panel dialog location now follows mouse when displayed on double click.
- EntityApplicationPanel.exitEvent() renamed exitObserver().
- EntityDependenciesPanel no longer public, needs a better api.
- DefaultKey.isNull(column) now throws exception in case the column is not part of the key.
- AbstractRemoteEntityConnection.closedEvent() renamed closedObserver().
- ConnectionPoolMonitor.statisticsEvent() renamed statisticsObserver().
- ConnectionPoolMonitor.statisticsObserver() renamed statisticsUpdated().
- ItemRandomizerPanel.selectedItems() now Observable based.
- Event suffix removed from methods returning EventObserver, related renaming.
- Observable added.
- Item.get() renamed value(), no longer extends Supplier.
- Observable no longer extends Supplier.
- DefaultRemoteClient.withDatabaseUser() bug fixed, did not copy client host and creationTime.
- TableSelectionModel, selectedIndex, selectedIndexes, selectedItem and selectedItems now Observable based.
- TableSelectionModel.SelectedIndexes added.
- TableSelectionModel.SelectedItems added.
- TableSelectionModel.moveSelectionDown() and moveSelectionUp() moved to SelectedIndexes and renamed moveDown() and moveUp() respectively.
- NullableToggleButtonModel.toggleState() now Observable based.
- TableSelectionModel.SelectedIndexes.set(Collection) added.
- TableSelectionModel.SelectedItems.set(Collection) added.
- FilterComboBoxModel.selectionChanged() removed, Observable based selectedItem() added.
- ComponentBuilder memory leaks prevented by replacing lambdas and anonymous inner classes with static classes.
- NullableCheckBox.getNullableModel() renamed model(), getState() removed.
- Domain.configureConnection() and configureDatabase() renamed configure().
- EntityEditModel.valueEvent(attribute) removed.
- EntityEditModel.put(), get(), remove() and optional() removed.
- EntityEditModel.insertUpdateOrDelete() renamed afterInsertUpdateOrDelete().
- SwingEntityEditModel.createComboBoxModel(), nullItem caption now static.
- EntityPanel.Config.entityPanel(), EntityTablePanel.Config.entityTablePanel() type parameter added.
- ItemRandomizerPanel refactored.
- AbstractComponentBuilder bug fixed, now sets the initial component value only if an initialValue has been set, otherwise model based components (List, ComboBox etc.) clear the initial model state.
- ComponentBuilder.clear() removed, AbstractComponentBuilder now always creates the associated ComponentValue, related refactoring.
- AbstractComponentBuilder now adds the associated ComponentValue as a client property on the resulting component.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.Settings.selectionBackgroundColor() and backgroundShaded() bug fixed alternate row coloring now correct.
- FilterTableCellRenderer.Settings.alternateRowColor() renamed alternateRow(), now static.
- EntityPanel.createControlPanel() toggle button type now the default BUTTON.
- EntityPanel, overridable controlComponent() replaced with Config.controlComponent().
- EntityPanel, overridable editBasePanel() replaced with Config.editBasePanel().
- EntityTableCellRendererBuilder.EntitySettings.backgroundColorShaded() bug fixed, alternate row coloring now correct.