This is a tiny little corner of Github where you can see the projects I work on in Github. Lets connect over my social media platform
Here are some of my top research projects
- IOT Network Attack mitigation using Behavior Detection techniques π
- HTTP botnet detection in IOT devices using network traffic analysis π
- Projects worked on using Golang
- Beginner level projects to understand basics of Go programming. π
- Implementation of a Mafia based CLI game used by security teams to teach OS security and hacking tools using gRPC and Hollywood (Actor model) π
- Here are some of my top JavaScript projects
- A web-tier application for uploading images to AWS SQS for an image processing backend in Node.js. π
- A decentralized file store built using IPFS to showcase advantages of a quorum based system in Next.js. π π
- Implemented a data display platform using Typescript, React and ReduxJS. π π
- A bunch of beginner level projects for learning different aspects of Vanilla JS, JQuery and CSS
- A few of my projects in MERN stack world.
- Python projects worked on as a freelancer as well as during hackathons
- Django based project to build a quiz taking app. This was build as a freelance project and sold to a no-name startup in 2017.
- AWS Face Recognition app built as part of CSE 531 course at ASU
- Python projects in Machine Learning
- Implemented a research paper that proposes an improved and optimized split function for a Decision Tree. The algorithm was applied on Breast cancer, Car Sales dataset picked from well-known source to evaluate its performance against a Standard Decision Tree algorithm. Source
- Proposes a comparision for a better K-means approach (among Euclidean, Cosine and Jacard K-means) calculations. Source