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A space for coders

Codú is the ultimate community of web developers to learn, share, and get support for your projects, either big or small. It is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and build your portfolio. In Codú, we're all here to help each other to grow as web developers. Plus, Codú makes it easier to find collaborators for your next big project.

💬 Join the conversation

We have a fantastic community growing on Discord. Click here to join!

🖥️ Installation

  1. Fork the project
  2. Clone with git clone
  3. Navigate to the project directory cd codu.
  4. Install dependencies with:
npm install
  • If you have any issues installing dependencies, check your node version against that defined in the .nvmrc. If you're using nvm, you can run nvm use before installing dependencies.
  1. Create a .env file and add the following variables. You can copy the contents of sample.env with cat sample.env > .env.
# This default value is if you run our local docker-compose.yml file to create the database.
# Setup your GitHub ID & Secret on GitHub:
# For development, make sure you set up this with a Homepage URL of http://localhost:3000/ and an Authorization callback URL of http://localhost:3000/api/auth

For a more detailed guide on setting them up go to the Environment Variables section.

NOTE: Before proceeding, make sure your database is running.

  1. Setup the tables in the database with Drizzle by running:
npm run db:migrate

The full command can be seen in our package.json file.

  1. Seed the database with some mock data by running:
npm run db:seed

The full command can be seen in our package.json file.

  1. Finally, run the development server:
npm run dev

After completion of the above commands, navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the result.

You can start your journey by modifying pages/index.tsx. With the auto-update feature, pages update as you edit the file.

The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

Learn more about API routes here.

Environment Variables


The DATABASE_URL is a connection string to a PostgreSQL database (version 15.0).

By default, we point to a database running locally with Docker from our docker-compose.yml file.

To run this file, make sure you have Docker installed and that Docker is running.

Run the command docker compose up.

Alternatively, if you have PostgreSQL running locally, you can use your local connection string or grab one from a free service like Supabase.


Currently, we only allow authentication via GitHub. To enable this, you need to have a GITHUB_ID and GITHUB_SECRET value.

Set up your GitHub ID & Secret on GitHub:

  • Click here to set up a New OAuth App and fill in the details as shown below.

For development, make sure you set this up with a Homepage URL of


and an Authorization callback URL of


After you click the "Register application" button, you should see the GITHUB_ID and be able to generate a new client secret. After generating the secret, make sure you copy this value to your .env file as this value cannot be seen again once you refresh the page.

More info on Authorizing OAuth in the GitHub documentation here.

Setting up Passwordless Auth Locally

In order to use Passwordless login locally, you need to have an ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY value.

Check out the example .env file here to see how to populate these values.

Note: Currently, the AWS region of the SNS service is hardcoded to "eu-west-1"; it may be necessary to change this if your SNS service is in a different region.


You shouldn't need to change the default value here. This is a variable used by Next Auth as the authentication URL to your site.


Example .env file can be found here. You can rename this to .env to get started.

👨‍💻 Contribution Guidelines

  • Contributions are greatly appreciated. Contributions make the open-source community an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create.
  • Check out our contribution guidelines for contributing to our repo. It includes
    • How to Contribute
    • How to create a Pull Request
    • Run Tests
    • Style Guide for Commit Messages

📙 Prerequisite Skills to Contribute

📃 Documentation Contributions

💾 Code Contributions

📚 Additional Resources

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

Editor Doc

To learn about the editor shortcuts and hotkeys, you can check out this document:

🧪 E2E Testing

For information on E2E testing, please refer to our dedicated documentation here.

💥 Issues

You are welcome to open issues to discuss ideas about improving Codú. Enhancements are encouraged and appreciated.