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Saltaformajo edited this page Oct 14, 2023 · 6 revisions

Neovim project plugin simplifies project management by maintaining project history and providing quick access to saved sessions via Telescope. It runs on top of the Neovim Session Manager, which is needed to store all open tabs and buffers for each project.

Projects option

The main configuration option is projects. I suggest using this, adjust path as you prefer:

   projects = { 

This means your projects will have a path like /home/username/work/projectName or /home/username/pets/projectName. Also, you will have option to edit config files in .config/ProgramName as a project called ProgramName.

If you want to have a project inside the other project, for example ~/work/my-website/ansible, you can add it too.

   projects = { 
      -- ... 
      -- add "ansible" folders inside projects as separate projects
      -- OR "ansible" only for "my-website" project
      -- OR mask "my-website" to hide project name in the dotfiles

Ways to open a project

  1. By commands from the nvim.
  2. From the terminal after cd into project cd ~/work/project && nvim.
  3. From the terminal with project root path as argument nvim ~/work/project.
  4. nvim without arguments from the $HOME directory will open your last project.
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