C++ library to handle printing anywhere on a single line.
Using simple standard library commands, this library allows for a program to print to anywhere on the same line of a console screen. This allows for interactive and variable displays. Included are colors and styles. Examples of usage are below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "prntspot.h" // imports
int main() {
prntspot printer; // initialization
printer.set_left_buffer("Loading:", RED_F, BOLD); // sets left side
printer.append_buffer(" [", YELLOW_F, BOLD); // adds to content
printer.set_right_buffer("]", YELLOW_F, BOLD); // sets right side
printer.print_buffer(); // prints to console
for (int x=0; x < (printer.max_width() - 11); x++) {
printer.set_point_buffer("#", BLUE_F, BOLD, 10+x); // adjusts single points
printer.new_line(); // ends line and resets bufer
printer.set_left_buffer("New line here");
This will show the following result:
The library includes the following public functions:
prntspot(); // constructor
~prntspot(); // destructor
void print_buffer(); // prints line
void new_line(); // ends line and resets buffer
int max_height(); // returns height of window as int
int max_width(); // returns width of window as int
void set_left_buffer(std::string); // sets buffer from left
void append_buffer(std::string); // adds to the buffer
void set_right_buffer(std::string); // sets buffer from right
void set_point_buffer(std::string,int); // sets buffer at any points
void set_left_buffer(std::string,int,int); // includes color and styles
void append_buffer(std::string,int,int);
void set_right_buffer(std::string,int,int);
void set_point_buffer(std::string,int,int,int);
void reset_buffer(); // clears the buffer
The library includes the following colors and styles:
#define BLACK_F 30
#define RED_F 31
#define GREEN_F 32
#define YELLOW_F 33
#define BLUE_F 34
#define MAGENTA_F 35
#define CYAN_F 36
#define WHITE_F 37
#define BLACK_B 40
#define RED_B 41
#define GREEN_B 42
#define YELLOW_B 43
#define BLUE_B 44
#define MAGENTA_B 45
#define CYAN_B 46
#define WHITE_B 47
#define BOLD 1
#define BRIGHT 1
#define UNDERLINE 4
#define INVERSE 7
prntspot - C++ library to handle printing anywhere on a single line
Copyright (c) 2017 coffeeandscripts
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modigy it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.