Graphene Luna is a websocket backend for GraphQL subscriptions in Django with Graphene. It does not require Django Channels. Luna implements the graphql-ws protocol.
Most of the Django Graphene websocket subscription implementations are broke with newer versions of Django or require Django Channels. While Django Channels is great, it is complex and requires extra infrastructure such as Redis. With new versions of Django, the included asynchronous features allow websockets to be created more "natively" with less infrastructure and code overhead.
Graphene Luna is the new modern and easy way to do GraphQL subscriptions in Django.
Graphene Luna relies on django-ws. If you wish to customize your experience, refer to django-ws for things like middleware and customizing websocket methods.
pip install graphene-luna
See the Luna Starter Project for a fully setup Django project with Graphene and Luna installed.
- Remove line:
from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
- Remove line:
application = get_asgi_application()
Add to the end:
from django_ws import get_websocket_application
application = get_websocket_application()
Next to your root
create a
like the example below that uses your websocket.
from django.urls import path
import luna_ws
urlpatterns = [
path('graphql', luna_ws.GraphQLSubscriptionHandler),
You should have Graphene setup with a schema. If not see the Graphene installation steps.
In your Graphene settings verify you have a schema:
'SCHEMA': 'myproject.schema.schema'
Add a subscription to your schema. A simple schema to test subscriptions work is shown below.
import asyncio
import graphene
from graphql import GraphQLError
class Subscription(graphene.ObjectType):
count_seconds = graphene.Int(up_to=graphene.Int())
async def subscribe_count_seconds(root, info, up_to):
if up_to > 30:
raise GraphQLError('Count too high, must be <= 30')
for i in range(up_to):
print('TestSubs: ', i)
yield i
await asyncio.sleep(1)
schema = graphene.Schema(
You will need to pick a way to run Django asynchronously.
Running with Gunicorn looks something like:
gunicorn myproject.asgi:application -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker
Navigate to your GraphiQL Explorer and to test out the subscription above, use a query like:
subscription {
countSeconds(upTo: 30)
If you're subscription test was successful, then you can proceed to writing more advanced subscriptions.
Currently Luna works with Django Graphene 3.1+ only. Also, Luna implements the newer GraphQL subscription protocol graphql-ws.