Here you will find the source code of CoGrOO version 4.x.
The code is organized as maven subprojects:
- cogroo4
- cogroo-nlp: low level customizations of Apache OpenNLP and tools, like the Featurizer tool and FSA dictionaries
- cogroo-ann: a framework composed of Annotators and Pipes, this allow easy abstraction of Apache OpenNLP
- cogroo-gc: the grammar checker core, based on the framework from cogroo-ann
- cogroo-dict: dictionaries and scripst to deal with it (should be removed soon because now it is partially covered by Jspell-ptBR project)
- cogroo-ruta-[lang]: the new rule engine based on UIMA RUTA (Thanks to the team @ IME-USP/LabXP2015)
- cogroo-addon: core of the LO|OO add on (not present in the moment, we need to refactor the pt_Br addon)
- eval: evaluation related subprojects (used by wcolen to write his master's dissertation)
- lang: language specific code
- [lang]: a language (for example pt_br)
- cogroo-res-[lang]: resources (language models and dictionaries) for language
- cogroo-ann-[lang]: customization of the framework for language
- cogroo-gc-[lang]: language specific code and resources for language
- cogroo-ruta-[lang]: the new rule engine based on UIMA RUTA
- cogroo-addon-[lang]: LO|OO addon for language
- [lang]: a language (for example pt_br)
Execute mvn clean install
inside the root folder.
Detailed examples on how to use the API for NLP and grammar checking: Using the API