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path follower parameters

Gohus edited this page May 23, 2017 · 3 revisions

Path Follower Parameters

Parameters for the Path Follower package are listed here as follows:

  1. Common parameters
  2. Input-scaling controller
  3. Pure pursuit controller
  4. Stanley controller
  5. Orth-exp controller
  6. PID controller
  7. Dynamic Window Approach
  8. Potential field
  9. PBR controller
  10. SLP controller
  11. OFC controller
  12. HBZ controller
  13. Local planner

Common Path Follower Parameters

Name Type Default Description
~controller_type string ackermann_purepursuit Defines, which controller is used.
~collision_avoider string Defines, which collisison avoider is used.
~world_frame string map Name of the world frame.
~robot_frame string base_link Name of the robot frame.
~odom_frame string odom Name of the odometry frame.
~waypoint_tolerance double 0.2
~goal_tolerance double 0.15
~steer_slow_threshold double 0.25 Robot slows down, when steering angle exceeds this threshold. May not be supported by all robot controllers.
~min_velocity double 0.4 Minimum speed of the robot (needed, as the outdoor buggys can't handle velocities below about 0.3).
~max_velocity double 2 Maximum velocity (to prevent the high level control from running amok).
~abort_if_obstacle_ahead bool 0 If set to true, path execution is aborted, if an obstacle is detected on front of the robot. If false, the robot will stop, but not abort (the obstacle might move away).
~coursepredictor/update_interval double 0.1 Update interval (in sec) of the course prediction.
~coursepredictor/buffer_size int 5 Number of last positions that are kept in the buffer.
~supervisor/use_path_lookout bool 0 Set to true to activate supervisor path lookout (check if there are obstacles somewhere on the path ahead of the robot).
~supervisor/use_waypoint_timeout bool 0 Set to true to activate supervisor waypoint timeout.
~supervisor/use_distance_to_path bool 0 Set to true to activate supervisor distance to path.
~supervisor/distance_to_path/max_dist double 10 Maximum distance the robot is allowed to depart from the path. If this threshold is exceeded, the distance_to_path superv will abort.
~supervisor/waypoint_timeout/time double 30 If the robot needs more than this time (in seconds), supervisor WaypointTimeout will stop the path execution.

Parameters for the Input-scaling controller

Name Type Default Description
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/k_backward double 7 Tuning factor for backward driving.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/k_forward double 7 Tuning factor for forward driving.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/max_steering_angle double 1.0472 Maximum steering angle.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/max_steering_angle_speed double 1.7 Maximum steering angle speed.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/2steer_inputscaling/vehicle_length double 0.3 Axis-centre distance.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/factor_k1 double 1 Factor for the steering angle speed.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/factor_k2 double 3 Factor for the steering angle speed.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/factor_k3 double 3 Factor for the steering angle speed.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/factor_steering_angle double 1 Set 1.0 for one axis steering, 0.5 for two axis steering.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/k_backward double 7 Tuning factor for backward driving.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/k_forward double 7 Tuning factor for forward driving.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/max_steering_angle double 1.0472 Maximum steering angle.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/max_steering_angle_speed double 1.7 Maximum steering angle speed.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/ackermann_inputscaling/vehicle_length double 0.3 Axis-centre distance.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/k double 7 Tuning factor for the angular velocity command.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/maximum_angular_velocity double 0.8 Maximum angular velocity.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/unicycle_inputscaling/vehicle_length double 0.3 Axis-centre distance.

Parameters for the Pure Pursuit controller

Name Type Default Description
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/k_forward double 1.2 Look-ahead distance factor while driving backwards.
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/k_forward double 1.2 Look-ahead distance factor while driving forwards.
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/2steer_purepursuit/vehicle_length double 0.34 Axis-centre distance.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/factor_lookahead_distance_forward double 0.8 Lookahead distance factor while driving backwards.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/factor_lookahead_distance_forward double 0.8 Lookahead distance factor while driving forward.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/factor_steering_angle double 1 Set 1.0 for one axis steering, 0.5 for two axis steering.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/ackermann_purepursuit/vehicle_length double 0.34 Axis-centre distance.

Parameters for the Stanley controller

Name Type Default Description
~controller/2steer_stanley/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/2steer_stanley/k_backward double 0.6 Tuning factor for backward driving.
~controller/2steer_stanley/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/2steer_stanley/k_forward double 0.6 Tuning factor for forward driving.
~controller/2steer_stanley/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/2steer_stanley/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/2steer_stanley/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/2steer_stanley/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/2steer_stanley/max_steering_angle double 0.523599 Maximum steering angle.
~controller/2steer_stanley/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/2steer_stanley/vehicle_length double 0.34 Axis-centre distance.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/factor_steering_angle double 1 Set 1.0 for one axis steering, 0.5 for two axis steering.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/k_backward double 7 Tuning factor for backward driving.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/k_forward double 7 Tuning factor for forward driving.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/ackermann_stanley/vehicle_length double 0.3 Axis-centre distance.

Parameters for the Orthogonal-exponential controller

Name Type Default Description
~controller/ackermann_orthexp/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/ackermann_orthexp/k double 1.5 Factor for regulating the convergence to the path.
~controller/ackermann_orthexp/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/ackermann_orthexp/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/ackermann_orthexp/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/ackermann_orthexp/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/ackermann_orthexp/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/ackermann_orthexp/max_angular_velocity double 0.5 Maximum angular velocity.
~controller/ackermann_orthexp/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/differential_orthexp/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/differential_orthexp/k double 1.5 Factor for regulating the convergence to the path.
~controller/differential_orthexp/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/differential_orthexp/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/differential_orthexp/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/differential_orthexp/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/differential_orthexp/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/differential_orthexp/max_angular_velocity double 0.5 Maximum angular velocity.
~controller/differential_orthexp/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/k double 1.5 Factor for regulating the convergence to the path.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/kd double 0.2 D component of the rotation control.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/kp double 0.4 P component of the rotation control.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/omnidrive_orthexp/max_angular_velocity double 0.5 Maximum angular velocity.

Parameters for the PID controller

Name Type Default Description
~controller/ackermann_pid/dead_time double 0.1 Time step that is used by predictPose
~controller/ackermann_pid/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/ackermann_pid/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/ackermann_pid/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/ackermann_pid/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/ackermann_pid/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/ackermann_pid/l double 0.38 Distance between front and rear axes of the robot.
~controller/ackermann_pid/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/ackermann_pid/max_steer double 0.52 Maximal allowed steering angle. Higher angles are capped by this value.
~controller/ackermann_pid/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/ackermann_pid/pid/kd double 0 Derivative coefficient of the PID controller.
~controller/ackermann_pid/pid/ki double 0.001 Integral coefficient of the PID controller.
~controller/ackermann_pid/pid/kp double 1 Proportional coefficient of the PID controller.
~controller/ackermann_pid/pid/ta double 0.03 Update interval of the PID controller.

Parameters for the Dynamic Window Approach

Name Type Default Description
~controller/dynamic_window/T_dwa double 0.125 Time length defining the dynamic window.
~controller/dynamic_window/ang_acc double 0.5 Angular acceleration,
~controller/dynamic_window/ang_dec double 0.01 Angular deceleration.
~controller/dynamic_window/angle_fact double 0.2 Factor for regulating the target heading term.
~controller/dynamic_window/disobst_fact double 0.2 Factor for regulating the obstacle distance (clearance) term.
~controller/dynamic_window/fact_T double 5 Factor for multiplying the dynamic window time length.
~controller/dynamic_window/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/dynamic_window/initial_vel_fact double 0.2 Factor for scaling the initial velocity commands.
~controller/dynamic_window/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/dynamic_window/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/dynamic_window/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/dynamic_window/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/dynamic_window/lin_acc double 2 Linear acceleration.
~controller/dynamic_window/lin_dec double 0.5 Linear deceleration.
~controller/dynamic_window/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/dynamic_window/max_ang_vel double 0.5 Maximum angular velocity.
~controller/dynamic_window/obst_dist_thresh double 0.6 Threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/dynamic_window/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/dynamic_window/step_T double 0.4 Time step inside the dynamic window time lenght
~controller/dynamic_window/v_fact double 2 Factor for regulating velocity term.
~controller/dynamic_window/v_step double 0.05 Linear velocity step of the dynamic window.
~controller/dynamic_window/w_step double 0.05 Angular velocity step of the dynamic window.

Parameters for the PBR controller

Name Type Default Description
~controller/pbr/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/pbr/k1 double 1 Factor for tuning the angular velocity command.
~controller/pbr/k2 double 1 Factor for tuning the angular velocity command.
~controller/pbr/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/pbr/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/pbr/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/pbr/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/pbr/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/pbr/max_angular_velocity double 0.8 Maximum angular velocity.
~controller/pbr/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.

Parameters for the SLP controller

Name Type Default Description
~controller/kinematic_SLP/b double 0.2 Factor for tuning the speed control.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/epsilon double 0.5 Error threshold for the speed control.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/gamma double 1 Factor for tuning the angular velocity command.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/k1 double 1 Factor for tuning the speed of the virtual vehicle.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/k2 double 1 Factor for tuning the angular velocity command.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/max_angular_velocity double 0.8 Maximum angular velocity
~controller/kinematic_SLP/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/kinematic_SLP/theta_a double 0.785398 Factor for tuning the transient maneuvers.

Parameters for the OFC controller

Name Type Default Description
~controller/ofc/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/ofc/goal_x double 2 x component of the goal position.
~controller/ofc/goal_y double 0 y component of the goal position.
~controller/ofc/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/ofc/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/ofc/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/ofc/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/ofc/kd_ang double 0.1 D component for the angular velocity control.
~controller/ofc/kd_lin double 0.1 D component for the linear velocity control.
~controller/ofc/ki_ang double 0.1 I component for the angular velocity control.
~controller/ofc/ki_lin double 0.1 I component for the linear velocity control.
~controller/ofc/kp_ang double 1 P component for the angular velocity control.
~controller/ofc/kp_lin double 1 P component for the linear velocity control.
~controller/ofc/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/ofc/max_angular_velocity double 0.5 Maximum angular velocity.
~controller/ofc/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.

Parameters for the Potential Field method

Name Type Default Description
~controller/potential_field/dist_thres double 2.5 Distance at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/potential_field/dist_thres double 2.5 Distance at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/potential_field/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/potential_field/goal_tolerance double 0.3 Minimum distance at which the robot stops in front of the goal.
~controller/potential_field/kAtt double 0.2 Factor for the attractive force influence.
~controller/potential_field/kAtt double 0.2 Factor for the attractive force influence.
~controller/potential_field/kRep double 0.5 Factor for the repulsive force influence.
~controller/potential_field/kRep double 0.5 Factor for the repulsive force influence.
~controller/potential_field/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/potential_field/k_curv double 0.05 The curvature factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the curvature increases.
~controller/potential_field/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/potential_field/k_g double 0.4 The goal position factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches the goal position.
~controller/potential_field/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/potential_field/k_o double 0.3 The obstacle factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as it approaches obstacles.
~controller/potential_field/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/potential_field/k_w double 0.5 The rotation factor. If increased, the robot speed decreases, as the rotation increases.
~controller/potential_field/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/potential_field/look_ahead_dist double 0.5 Distance in path coordinates in front of the robot.
~controller/potential_field/max_angular_velocity double 0.8 Maximum angular velocity.
~controller/potential_field/max_angular_velocity double 0.8 Maximum angular velocity.
~controller/potential_field/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.
~controller/potential_field/obst_threshold double 2 The threshold at which the obstacles are taken into account.

Parameters for the local planner

Name Type Default Description
~local_planner/algorithm string NULL Algorithm to be used by the Local Planner.
~local_planner/curve_segment_subdivisions int 7 Determines the number of subdivisions of curve segments in the final path
~local_planner/distance_to_path_constraint double 2.5 Determines how far from the path should the local planner perform
~local_planner/ef double 2 Exponential factor the dis2obst scorer (std::exp(/distance(point, obstacle)) - 1.0
~local_planner/intermediate_angles int 0 Determines the number of intermediate angles between 0 and +-s_angle for the expansion of a node
~local_planner/max_depth int 10 Determines the maximum depth of the tree used by the local planner
~local_planner/max_num_nodes int 400 Determines the maximum number of nodes used by the local planner
~local_planner/max_steering_angle double 35 Determines the steering angle (in degrees) for the local planner
~local_planner/mu double 0.1 Determines the coefficient of friction
~local_planner/safety_distance_forward double 0.55 Determines the extra security distance in front of the robot
~local_planner/safety_distance_surrounding double 0.65 Determines the security distance around the robot
~local_planner/score_weight_curvature double 4 Determines whether the third scorer is used or not. (Curvature of the point (P))
~local_planner/score_weight_delta_curvature double 3 Determines whether the fouth scorer is used or not. (Curvature of the point (D))
~local_planner/score_weight_delta_distance_to_path double 1.5 Determines whether the second scorer is used or not. (Distance to global path (D))
~local_planner/score_weight_distance_to_obstacles double 5 Determines whether the sixth scorer is used or not. (Distance to nearest obstacle)
~local_planner/score_weight_distance_to_path double 3.5 Determines whether the first scorer is used or not. (Distance to global path (P))
~local_planner/score_weight_level double 1.5 Determines whether the fifth scorer is used or not. (Tree level reached)
~local_planner/step_scale double 1.2 Scales the size of individual steps during the search
~local_planner/update_interval double 0.125 Determines the update interval in seconds of the local planner
~local_planner/use_distance_to_obstacle_constraint bool 1 Determines whether the second constraint is used or not. (Distance to nearest obstacle)
~local_planner/use_distance_to_path_constraint bool 1 Determines whether the first constraint is used or not. (Distance to global path)
~local_planner/use_velocity bool 1 Determines if the current velocity is used by the local planner

Parameters for the HBZ controller

Name Type Default Description
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/k1 double 1.0 Factor for regulating the virtual vehicle speed.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/k2 double 1.0 Factor for regulating the angular velocity command.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/lambda double 1.0 Factor for regulating the angular velocity command.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/theta_a double M_PI/4.0 Factor for regulating the transient manoeuvres.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/x_ICR double 0.0 Parameter determining the lateral speed.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/y_ICR_l double 0.2335 Position of the left ICR.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/y_ICR_r double -0.2335 Position of the right ICR.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/alpha_l double 1.0 Fuzzy parameter for the left wheels.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/alpha_r double 1.0 Fuzzy parameter for the right wheels.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/epsilon double 0.5 Error threshold for the speed control.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/b double 0.2 Factor for regulating the speed control.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ/max_angular_velocity double 0.2 Maximum angular velocity.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ_TT/des_dist double 2.0 Desired distance for target tracking.
~controller/kinematic_HBZ_TT/k_l double 1.0 Factor for regulating the speed control for target tracking.