This is a Docker image containing an installed version of the COIN-OR Optimization Suite.
This image is now on Docker Hub. To use, simply install Docker (see instructions below) and then do
docker pull coinor/coin-or-optimization-suite
This retrieves a docker image containing the COIN-OR Optimization Suite. Once you have the image, you can create a container, which is a running version of the image. Note that this container is completely isolated from the OS you are working in, so to run any useful commands inside it, you need to first copy the files in to the container, then copy the results back out. To do this, first create and start a container, as follows:
docker create --name=coin-or -it coinor/coin-or-optimization-suite
docker start coin-or
Now copy in any files you need:
docker cp example.mps coin-or:/tmp
Here, we are copying into the /tmp
directory inside the container. Finally,
execute a solver command.
docker /usr/bin/cbc /tmp/example.mps > /tmp/output
and finally, copy the output back out
docker cp coin-or:/tmp/output .
Note that you are as root by default inside the container, but this is not much of a risk inside a docker container, since it can be recreated easily.
Just clone the repository and build the docker image by
git clone
cd optimization-suite-docker
sudo docker build -t coin-or image/
Now follow the instructions for running a solver from above, but note that all
commands will have to be executed with sudo
First install Docker Desktop for Windows (in older versions of Windows without built-in virtualization, the instructions my be different). From a Powershell terminal, clone the repository and build the docker image by the commands
git clone
cd optimization-suite-docker
docker build -t coin-or image/
Finally, follow the instructions for running a solver from above.
Since Docker is a bit more difficult to get running on OSX than on Linux, this
is some additional documentation for the OSX crowd. OSX is not like
Linux---virtualization is not built into the kernel. Therefore, we need to run
the docker machine inside another VM. For this, we need virtualbox. The
instructions below are for installing virutalbox with homebrew
, which seems
to work very well. (Caveat: I first found some old instructions on how to do
this and took a round-about path to the installation. Therefore, the list of
commands below is not exactly what I did. However, I think it's the right
incantation if you're starting from scratch with an updated install of
Update: There now seems to be a trouble-free installation of Docker on OS X as
a native app. I haven't tried this, but I guess it should work well and might
be preferable is you are not already using homebrew
First, install virtualbox
brew update
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew cask install virtualbox
Now install docker
and docker-machine
brew install docker
brew install docker-machine
Create a new docker server to run in virtualbox and set environment variables so docker knows how to connect to it.
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
Now follow instructions as above for building the container
git clone
cd optimization-suite-docker/
docker build -t optimization-suite image/
Finally, start up the server and the container
docker-machine start default
Now follow the instructions for running a solver from above.