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DRAFT: Just for debugging! #20

DRAFT: Just for debugging!

DRAFT: Just for debugging! #20

Workflow file for this run

# Simple workflow for running non-documentation PR testing
name: Run ock tests for PR testing
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
required: false
type: boolean
default: true
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
required: false
type: bool
default: true
packages: read
# # build and run host x86_64, execute UnitCL and lit tests and build and run offline
# run_host_x86_64:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# container:
# image:
# volumes:
# - ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# # installs tools, ninja, installs llvm and sets up sccahe
# - name: setup-ubuntu
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
# with:
# llvm_version: 18
# llvm_build_type: RelAssert
# save: ${{ inputs.update_cache }}
# # These need to match the configurations of build_pr_cache to use the cache effectively
# - name: build host x86_64 online release
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_type: Release
# - name: run just online lit
# run:
# ninja -C build check-ock-all-lit
# - name: run host online check
# run:
# ninja -C build check-ock-UnitCL
# # use the previous build for online to get clc
# - name: build host x86_64 offline release
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_type: Release
# extra_flags: -DCA_RUNTIME_COMPILER_ENABLED=OFF -DCA_EXTERNAL_CLC=${{ github.workspace }}/build/bin/clc
# build_dir: build_offline
# build_targets: UnitCL
# assemble_spirv_ll_lit_test_offline: ON
# - name: run host x86_64 offline
# run:
# ninja -C build_offline check-ock-UnitCL
# # build and run riscv m1, execute UnitCL and lit tests
# run_riscv_m1:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# container:
# image:
# volumes:
# - ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# # installs tools, ninja, installs llvm and sets up sccahe
# - name: setup-ubuntu
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
# with:
# llvm_version: 18
# llvm_build_type: RelAssert
# save: ${{ inputs.update_cache }}
# - name: build riscv M1
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock/do_build_m1
# - name: run riscv M1 lit
# run:
# ninja -C build check-ock-all-lit
# - name: run riscv M1 UnitCL tests
# run:
# ninja -C build check-ock-UnitCL
# build and run clang-tidy
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# Disable until the awk line works on the container
# if: false
- ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
- name: Checkout repo
uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# installs tools, ninja, installs llvm and sets up sccahe
- name: setup-ubuntu
uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
llvm_version: 19
llvm_build_type: RelAssert
clang_tidy: true
vulkan_sdk_install: false
- name: build initial config files
uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
build_type: ReleaseAssert
host_image: ON
# Here we compute the set difference between the output of the two
# temporary file descriptors using `awk`. Awk processes both files line by
# line, going through the first file, then the second file. The NR==FNR
# predicate executes its block only on the records of the first file,
# ensuring to call `next` (equivalent to `return`) to avoid running the
# second block on each line in the first file.
# The first input to `awk` lists all targets reported by ninja.
# The second input to awk collects all targets on which `tidy-` targets
# depend. This may include targets which are guarded by if() statements in
# CMake, hence why we need to compute a set difference with the targets that
# ninja reports.
- name: build actual targets needed
# ninja -C build
# $(
# awk -F':' 'NR==FNR { targets[$1] = 1; next } $1 in targets { print $1 }'
# <(ninja -C build -t targets)
# <(
# find modules source -type f -name CMakeLists.txt -exec
# awk -F"[()]" '/add_dependencies\(tidy-/ {sub(/[^ ]*/, "", $2);print $2}'
# {} \+ | tr ' ' '\n'
# )
# )
# echo
# $(
# awk -F':' 'NR==FNR { targets[$1] = 1; next } $1 in targets { print $1 }'
# <(ninja -C build -t targets)
# <(
# find modules source -type f -name CMakeLists.txt -exec
# awk -F"[()]" '/add_dependencies\(tidy-/ {sub(/[^ ]*/, "", $2);print $2}'
# {} \+ | tr ' ' '\n'
# )
# )
awk -F':' 'NR==FNR { targets[$1] = 1; next } $1 in targets { print $1 }'
<(echo "omp_gen: phony")

Check failure on line 178 in .github/workflows/run_pr_tests.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/run_pr_tests.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 178
- name: run clang-tidy
run: |
git fetch origin ${{ github.base_ref }}
./scripts/ \
--exclude-filter='(/build/.*\.s$)|(.*/(external|cookie)/.*)' \
--build-dir="$PWD/build" \
`git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d \
HEAD..origin/${{ github.base_ref }} | \
grep -P '\.(c|cc|cxx|cpp|h|hh|hpp|hxx)$'` | \
tee /dev/stderr | \
parallel --verbose -- clang-tidy-19 --quiet -p "$PWD/build/" "{}"
# run clang-format-diff on the repo
# run_clang_format:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# - name: setup-ubuntu-clang-format
# run:
# pip install clang-format==19.1.0
# - name: run clang-format
# run: |
# # we've installed clang-format-19 in the docker via pip, which just installs it as clang-format,
# # so just use clang-format-diff and -b clang-format directly
# git fetch origin ${{ github.base_ref }}
# git diff --no-color origin/${{ github.base_ref }} | \
# -p1 -regex \
# "^(?!(.+\\/)*(external|cookie)\\/).*\\.(c|cc|cxx|cpp|h|hh|hxx|hpp)$" -b clang-format
# # Based on: mr-windows-msvc-x86_64-llvm-previous-cl3.0-offline
# run_windows_msvc_x86_64_llvm_latest_cl3_0_offline:
# runs-on: windows-2019
# steps:
# - name: Setup Windows llvm base
# uses: llvm/actions/setup-windows@main
# with:
# arch: amd64
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# # installs tools, ninja, installs llvm and sets up ccache
# - name: setup-windows
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
# with:
# llvm_version: 19
# llvm_build_type: RelAssert
# save: ${{ inputs.update_cache }}
# os: windows
# - name: build ock x86_64 relassert
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_targets: check-ock
# enable_api: ""
# builtin_kernel: ON
# shell_to_use: pwsh
# gtest_launcher: "python3;-u;${{ github.workspace }}/scripts/"
# debug_support: ON
# enable_unitcl_expensive: ${{ !inputs.is_pull_request && 'ON' || 'OFF' }}
# - name: build ock x86_64 offline
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_targets: check-ock
# runtime_compiler_enabled: OFF
# external_clc: "${{ github.workspace }}/build/bin/clc.exe"
# shell_to_use: pwsh
# gtest_launcher: "python3;-u;${{ github.workspace }}/scripts/"
# debug_support: ON
# install_dir: ${{ github.workspace }}/install_offline
# build_dir: ${{ github.workspace }}/build_offline
# # Based on: mr-ubuntu-gcc-x86_64-riscv-fp16-cl3.0-unitcl_vecz
# run_ubuntu_gcc_x86_64_riscv_fp16_cl3_0_unitcl_vecz:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# container:
# image:
# volumes:
# - ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
# timeout-minutes: 60
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# - name: setup-ubuntu
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
# with:
# llvm_version: '18'
# llvm_build_type: RelAssert
# save: ${{ inputs.update_cache }}
# - run: echo WORKSPACE is $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && echo PWD is `pwd` && ls -al
# - name: build ock
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_targets: check-ock-UnitCL-group-vecz
# mux_targets_enable: riscv
# mux_compilers_enable: riscv
# riscv_enabled: ON
# enable_rvv_scalable_vecz_check: ON
# enable_rvv_scalable_vp_vecz_check: ON
# use_linker: gold
# hal_description: RV64GCV_Zfh
# hal_refsi_soc: G1
# hal_refsi_thread_mode: WG
# debug_support: ON
# # Based on: mr-ubuntu-clang-x86-llvm-previous-cl3-0-offline
# run-ubuntu-clang-x86-llvm-latest-cl3-0-offline:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# container:
# image:
# volumes:
# - ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
# timeout-minutes: 90 # offline needs longer timeout
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# - name: setup-ubuntu
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
# with:
# llvm_version: '19'
# llvm_build_type: RelAssert
# save: ${{ inputs.update_cache }}
# cross_arch: x86
# - run: echo WORKSPACE is $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && echo PWD is `pwd` && ls -al
# - name: build ock x86 relassert
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_32_bit: ON
# extra_flags: -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/llvm_install/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/llvm_install/bin/clang++
# build_targets: check-ock
# enable_api: ""
# builtin_kernel: ON
# use_linker: gold
# debug_support: ON
# - name: build ock x86 offline
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_32_bit: ON
# extra_flags: -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/llvm_install/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/llvm_install/bin/clang++
# build_targets: check-ock
# runtime_compiler_enabled: OFF
# assemble_spirv_ll_lit_test_offline: ON
# external_clc: ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/build/bin/clc
# use_linker: gold
# debug_support: ON
# install_dir: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/install_offline
# build_dir: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/build_offline
# # Based on: mr-ubuntu-gcc-x86_64-riscv-fp16-cl3-0
# run-ubuntu-gcc-x86_64-riscv-fp16-cl3-0:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# container:
# image:
# volumes:
# - ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
# timeout-minutes: 60
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# - name: setup-ubuntu
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
# with:
# llvm_version: '19'
# llvm_build_type: RelAssert
# save: ${{ inputs.update_cache }}
# - run: echo WORKSPACE is $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && echo PWD is `pwd` && ls -al
# - name: build ock
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_targets: check-ock
# mux_targets_enable: riscv
# mux_compilers_enable: riscv
# riscv_enabled: ON
# disable_unitcl_vecz_checks: ON
# enable_rvv_scalable_vecz_check: ON
# enable_rvv_scalable_vp_vecz_check: ON
# host_enable_builtins: OFF
# use_linker: gold
# hal_description: RV64GCV_Zfh
# hal_refsi_soc: G1
# hal_refsi_thread_mode: WG
# debug_support: ON
# # Based on: mr-ubuntu-gcc-x86-llvm-latest-x86_64-images-cl3-0-release
# run-ubuntu-gcc-x86-llvm-latest-x86_64-images-cl3-0-release:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# container:
# image:
# volumes:
# - ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
# timeout-minutes: 60
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# - name: setup-ubuntu
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
# with:
# llvm_version: '19'
# llvm_build_type: Release
# save: ${{ inputs.update_cache }}
# - run: echo WORKSPACE is $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && echo PWD is `pwd` && ls -al
# - name: build ock
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_type: Release
# build_targets: check-ock
# host_image: ON
# use_linker: gold
# enable_api: ""
# builtin_kernel: ON
# # Based on: mr-ubuntu-gcc-aarch64-llvm-previous-cl3-0-fp16
# run-ubuntu-gcc-aarch64-llvm-latest-cl3-0-fp16:
# runs-on: cp-ubuntu-24.04
# container:
# image:
# volumes:
# - ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
# timeout-minutes: 90 # aarch64 needs longer timeout
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# - name: setup-ubuntu
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
# with:
# llvm_version: '19'
# llvm_build_type: RelAssert
# save: ${{ inputs.update_cache }}
# cross_arch: aarch64
# - run: echo WORKSPACE is $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && echo PWD is `pwd` && ls -al
# - name: build ock
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_targets: check-ock-cross
# host_fp16: ON
# use_linker: gold
# debug_support: ON
# builtin_kernel: ON
# enable_api: ""
# toolchain_file: "scripts/../platform/arm-linux/aarch64-toolchain.cmake"
# extra_flags: -DCA_BUILTINS_TOOLS_DIR=${{ github.workspace }}/llvm_install_native/bin
# # Based on a combination of: mr-ubuntu-gcc-x86_64-clik
# # and: mr-ubuntu-gcc-x86_64-clik-refsi
# run-ubuntu-gcc-x86_64-clik-refsi:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# container:
# image:
# volumes:
# - ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
# timeout-minutes: 60
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# - name: Install Ninja
# uses: llvm/actions/install-ninja@main
# - name: install risc-v toolchain
# run:
# sudo apt-get install --yes gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu g++-riscv64-linux-gnu
# - run: echo WORKSPACE is $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && echo PWD is `pwd` && ls -al
# - name: Run Clik
# run: |
# cmake -Bbuild_clik -GNinja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install clik
# LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ninja -Cbuild_clik check
# - name: Run Clik-Refsi # No initial clean - just point o/p at new dirs
# run: |
# cmake -Bbuild_clik_refsi -GNinja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install_refsi -DCLIK_HAL_NAME=refsi -DHAL_REFSI_SOC=M1 -DCLIK_EXTERNAL_HAL_DIR=${{ github.workspace }}/examples/refsi/hal_refsi clik
# LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ninja -Cbuild_clik_refsi check
# # Based on: mr-ubuntu-gcc-x86_64-refsi-g1-wi-cl3-0
# run-ubuntu-gcc-x86_64-refsi-g1-wi-cl3-0:
# if: ${{ !inputs.is_pull_request }} # do not run as PR job for now to avoid flooding the concurrency
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# container:
# image:
# volumes:
# - ${{github.workspace}}:${{github.workspace}}
# timeout-minutes: 60
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
# - name: setup-ubuntu
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup_build
# with:
# llvm_version: '19'
# llvm_build_type: RelAssert
# save: ${{ inputs.update_cache }}
# - run: echo WORKSPACE is $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && echo PWD is `pwd` && ls -al
# - name: build ock
# uses: ./.github/actions/do_build_ock
# with:
# build_targets: install # Build the install target so we don't miss compilation errors
# mux_targets_enable: riscv
# external_compiler_dirs: ${{ github.workspace }}/examples/refsi/refsi_g1_wi/compiler/refsi_g1_wi
# mux_compilers_enable: refsi_g1_wi
# riscv_enabled: ON
# disable_unitcl_vecz_checks: ON
# enable_rvv_scalable_vecz_check: ON
# enable_rvv_scalable_vp_vecz_check: ON
# use_linker: gold
# hal_description: RV64GCV
# hal_refsi_soc: G1
# hal_refsi_thread_mode: WI
# debug_support: ON
# # For now DO NOT include testing. Run commands generated by the import tool are:
# #- run: python -u scripts/ pull --verbose --clean --path CA-OpenCL-CTS Ubuntu20 x86_64 14 Release
# #- run: echo 'Subgroups,subgroups/test_subgroups barrier_functions_core' >> skipped.txt
# #- run: python scripts/testing/ -s scripts/jenkins/cts_summary/opencl_conformance_tests_wimpy_very_quick.csv -i skipped.txt -b CA-OpenCL-CTS/bin -L build/lib -e OCL_ICD_FILENAMES=$PWD/build/lib/ -e OCL_ICD_VENDORS=/dev/null --timeout 00:10:00 --verbose -l build/cts.log -f build/ -r build/cts_refsi_g1_wi.xml
# - run: ninja -C build check-ock
# - run: ninja -C build check-ock-UnitCL-half
# # For now DO NOT include upload of testing logs. Action commands generated by the import tool are:
# #- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4.1.0
# # if: success()
# # with:
# # name: ${{ github.job }}
# # path: |
# # oneapi-construction-kit/build/*.fail
# # oneapi-construction-kit/build/*.log