blockUI service/provider for AngularJS inspired by blockUI jQuery plugin.
```coffeescript 'use strict'app = angular.module('BlockUI'])
<h4>Default options</h4>
# Overwrite what you need
defaults =
# messageClass: 'blockui-message' # from user (optional) - styling purposes
# backdropClass: 'blockui-backdrop' # from user (optional) - styling purposes
innerHTML: 'Loading ...' # Overwrite this with your content i.e. <img src="/some/path"/>
blockUIClass: "blockui-blocked" # this class will be appended to the body
angular.module('Controllers') .controller 'demoCtrl', ['$blockUI', ($blockUI) -> $scope.demoMethod = -> blockUI = $blockUI.createBlockUI innerHTML: "Waiting for data ..." blockUI.blockUI() waitForSomethingFunction (success)-> blockUI.unblockUI() console.log "Success callback - unblocking" ]