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Luis Majano edited this page Dec 7, 2015 · 1 revision

In order to create your own custom protocol you will create a CFC that inherits from cbmailservices.models.AbstractProtocol and make sure you implement the init() and send() method.


Each protocol will be initialized with a struct of properties defined in the configuration CFC ColdBox.cfc. You will receive them in the constructor:

function init( required struct properties={} ){

	return thisl

You can then use them for initialization purposes. Here is an example of the FileProtocol

function init( required struct properties={} ){
	// Property Checks
	if(NOT propertyExists("filePath")){
		// No API key was found, so throw an exception.
		throw(message="filePath property is Required",type="FileProtocol.PropertyNotFound");
	// auto expand
	if( NOT propertyExists("autoExpand") ){
	// expandPath?
	if( getProperty("autoExpand") ){
		setProperty("filePath", expandPath( getProperty('filePath') ) );
	return this;


Then you can implement the send() method which receives a payload object which maps to the cbmailservices.models.Mail object.