This is a plugin for LocomotiveCMS. It was created to allow LocomotiveCMS designers to sort content types in multiple ways.
It provides a few liquid tags that can be used to add sort functionality.
To use this plugin you must be using a version of LocomotiveCMS that has the plugins feature designed by Colibri Software. You can do this by making the following changes to the Gemfile in you app:
- Remove or comment out the following line:
gem 'locomotive_cms', '~> 2.X.X', require: 'locomotive/engine'
- Add the following line:
gem 'locomotive_cms', require: 'locomotive/engine', git: '', branch: 'plugins'
Then add the following lines in your Gemfile to include the plugin:
group :locomotive_plugins do
gem 'locomotive_sort_plugin'
This plugin requires no configuration.
This plugin has no Liquid Drops
This plugin provides several tags that will add sort functionality.
The following is a list of tags and their options(and defaults):
- sort_by_field
- sort_boolean
Both tags follow the following syntax:
{% <tag_name> to <variable_name> from <content_type/collection> by <field_name> [reverse] %}
Here is an example of sorting the content type people into the variable sorted_people by their name:
{% sort_by_field to sorted_people from contents.people by name %}
Here is an example of sorting those people already sorted by email opt out, with those who haven’t opted out first:
{% sort_boolean to second_sort from sorted_people by email_opt_out reverse %}
This plugin has no Liquid Filters