Updated 20190414:
- Connect External SSD and ensure that it is mounted at /Volumes/ColinGarvey_T5
- Run ./rsync_exthdd_to_nas.py script which automatically:
- Mounts the Photos directory on the NAS
- Synchronizes Photos
- Synchronizes Videos (FCP)
- Plug external HDD to NAS via USB
- ssh to the nas while on LAN
ssh garveyc1@garveynas.lan
- Locate the mounted directory via
and look for keywordhfsplus
.../dev/sdq2 on /volumeUSB1/usbshare1-2 type hfsplus (ro,relatime,creator=,type=,umask=0,uid=1024,gid=100,nls=utf8,caseless)
- Grab the mountpoint which in this case is
- Utilize the script at /volume1/Photos/bin/rsync-usb-ext-tonas.sh, updating the source variable as necessary.
Variables are defined in this script as:
- Plug external HDD to mac
- Run the rsync script - rsync-nas-to-exthdd.sh
- Voila!