An implementation of the PSR-7 standardized interfaces.
Run the PHPUnit test suites with the following command:
>> .\vendor\bin\phpunit
To additionally print the test coverage results to stdout run the following command:
>> .\vendor\bin\phpunit --coverage-html="coverage"
Run the PHPStan code quality analysis with the following command:
>> .\vendor\bin\phpstan --configuration=phpstan.neon --xdebug
Run the PHP Code Sniffer code style analysis with the following commands:
>> .\vendor\bin\phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml src
>> .\vendor\bin\phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml test
To fix automatically resolve issues found by PHP Code Sniffer run the following commands:
>> .\vendor\bin\phpcbf --standard=phpcs.xml src
>> .\vendor\bin\phpcbf --standard=phpcs.xml test