FotoWare API
- API version: 1.0.0
This reference documents the available endpoints for FotoWare's API.
Click the Authorize button at the top of the page to try the API with your own FotoWare as a Service tenant.
To enable authorization and testing of the API on an on-premises server, <a target="_blank" href=''>please follow the instructions in our software documentation
Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 11+
- Maven/Gradle
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn clean deploy
Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile "com.cominvent.fotoware:fotoware-java-client:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import com.cominvent.fotoware.client.*;
import com.cominvent.fotoware.model.*;
import com.cominvent.fotoware.api.AlbumsApi;
public class AlbumsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure clients using the `defaultClient` object, such as
// overriding the host and port, timeout, etc.
AlbumsApi apiInstance = new AlbumsApi(defaultClient);
try {
CollectionList result = apiInstance.fotowebAlbumsGet();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AlbumsApi#fotowebAlbumsGet");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlbumsApi | fotowebAlbumsGet | GET /fotoweb/albums/ | Lists the public albums in the DAM. The list contains albums which are shared in Fotoware. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebAlbumsGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/albums/ | Lists the public albums in the DAM. The list contains albums which are shared in Fotoware. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsArchivedGet | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/archived/ | List the archived albums owned by the current user/access token. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsArchivedGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/archived/ | List the archived albums owned by the current user/access token. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsContributeGet | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/contribute/ | List the albums contributed to by the current user/access token. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsContributeGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/contribute/ | List the albums contributed to by the current user/access token. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsDeletedGet | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/deleted/ | List the deleted albums owned by the current user/access token. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsDeletedGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/deleted/ | List the deleted albums owned by the current user/access token. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsGet | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/ | Lists the albums accessible by the current user/access token. This list contains all albums that the user can access. Use the q parameter to search in multiple albums/collections (search in name, description and tags elements). |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/ | Lists the albums accessible by the current user/access token. This list contains all albums that the user can access. Use the q parameter to search in multiple albums/collections (search in name, description and tags elements). |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsMineGet | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/mine/ | Lists the albums owned by the current user/access token. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsMineGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/mine/ | Lists the albums owned by the current user/access token. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsSharedWithMeGet | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/shared-with-me/ | List the albums shared with the current user/access token. |
AlbumsApi | fotowebMeAlbumsSharedWithMeGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/albums/shared-with-me/ | List the albums shared with the current user/access token. |
AlbumsSharingApi | fotowebMePeopleGet | GET /fotoweb/me/people/ | Search among the users and groups you have permission to share albums with |
AlbumsSharingApi | fotowebMePeopleGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/people/ | Search among the users and groups you have permission to share albums with |
AlbumsSharingApi | fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidGet | GET /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/ | Get all information for an album for a specfic user; including properties, assets in the album etc. |
AlbumsSharingApi | fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/ | Get all information for an album for a specfic user; including properties, assets in the album etc. |
AlbumsSharingApi | fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidSharesGet | GET /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/.shares/ | Gets sharing details for an album for a specfic user; including any shares, public link and user/groups shares |
AlbumsSharingApi | fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidSharesGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/.shares/ | Gets sharing details for an album for a specfic user; including any shares, public link and user/groups shares |
AlbumsSharingApi | fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidSharesPatch | PATCH /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/.shares/ | Make updates to album sharing for an album. |
AlbumsSharingApi | fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidSharesPatchWithHttpInfo | PATCH /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/.shares/ | Make updates to album sharing for an album. |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidDelete | DELETE /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} | Delete an annotation from an asset |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidDeleteWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} | Delete an annotation from an asset |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidGet | GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} | Get the annotation for an asset based on the annotation id |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} | Get the annotation for an asset based on the annotation id |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidPatch | PATCH /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} | Edit an annotation on an asset |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidPatchWithHttpInfo | PATCH /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} | Edit an annotation on an asset |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsGet | GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/ | Get all the annotations for an asset |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/ | Get all the annotations for an asset |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsPost | POST /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/ | Add a new annotation for an asset |
AnnotationsApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/ | Add a new annotation for an asset |
ApiEntryPointsApi | fotowebGet | GET /fotoweb/ | Public entry point |
ApiEntryPointsApi | fotowebGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/ | Public entry point |
ApiEntryPointsApi | fotowebMeGet | GET /fotoweb/me/ | Private entry point |
ApiEntryPointsApi | fotowebMeGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/ | Private entry point |
ArchivesApi | fotowebArchivesGet | GET /fotoweb/archives/ | Get all publically available archives in the FotoWare DAM instance. To search, add the q parameter. |
ArchivesApi | fotowebArchivesGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/archives/ | Get all publically available archives in the FotoWare DAM instance. To search, add the q parameter. |
ArchivesApi | getArchive | GET /fotoweb/archives/{id}/ | Get all information about an archive |
ArchivesApi | getArchiveWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/archives/{id}/ | Get all information about an archive |
ArchivesApi | getPrivateArchiveList | GET /fotoweb/me/archives/ | Lists the archives accessible by the current user/access token. |
ArchivesApi | getPrivateArchiveListWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/archives/ | Lists the archives accessible by the current user/access token. |
AssetsAndMetadataApi | fotowebEditorsViewidGet | GET /fotoweb/editors/{viewid} | Get a metadata view representation |
AssetsAndMetadataApi | fotowebEditorsViewidGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/editors/{viewid} | Get a metadata view representation |
AssetsAndMetadataApi | getAssetDetails | GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderid}/{asset} | Get the json representation of an asset |
AssetsAndMetadataApi | getAssetDetailsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderid}/{asset} | Get the json representation of an asset |
AssetsAndMetadataApi | patchMetadata | PATCH /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderid}/{asset} | Update metadata on an asset |
AssetsAndMetadataApi | patchMetadataWithHttpInfo | PATCH /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderid}/{asset} | Update metadata on an asset |
BackgroundTasksApi | fotowebMeBackgroundTasksIdGet | GET /fotoweb/me/background-tasks/{id} | Polls the status of a tasks |
BackgroundTasksApi | fotowebMeBackgroundTasksIdGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/background-tasks/{id} | Polls the status of a tasks |
BackgroundTasksApi | fotowebMeBackgroundTasksPost | POST /fotoweb/me/background-tasks/ | Triggers a background task that runs an operation on an asset |
BackgroundTasksApi | fotowebMeBackgroundTasksPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/me/background-tasks/ | Triggers a background task that runs an operation on an asset |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupAddGroupGroupMembers | POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups | Add groups to the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupAddGroupGroupMembersWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups | Add groups to the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupAddGroupMembers | POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members | Add users to the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupAddGroupMembersWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members | Add users to the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupAddGroupMemberships | POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of | Add the group to one or more groups |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupAddGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of | Add the group to one or more groups |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupAddGroupUserMembers | POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users | Add users to the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupAddGroupUserMembersWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users | Add users to the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountAllGroups | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/count | Count all groups on the site |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountAllGroupsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/count | Count all groups on the site |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountDirectGroupMemberships | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of/count | Count all groups that the group is a direct member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountDirectGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of/count | Count all groups that the group is a direct member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountGroupDirectGroupMembers | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups/count | Count all groups that are direct members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountGroupDirectGroupMembersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups/count | Count all groups that are direct members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountGroupDirectUserMembers | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users/count | Count all users that are direct members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountGroupDirectUserMembersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users/count | Count all users that are direct members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountGroupRecursiveGroupMembers | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups-recursive/count | Count all groups that are direct or indirect members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountGroupRecursiveGroupMembersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups-recursive/count | Count all groups that are direct or indirect members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountGroupRecursiveUserMembers | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users-recursive/count | Count all users that are direct or indirect members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountGroupRecursiveUserMembersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users-recursive/count | Count all users that are direct or indirect members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountRecursiveUserMemberships | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of-recursive/count | Count all distinct groups that the group is a direct or indirect member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCountRecursiveUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of-recursive/count | Count all distinct groups that the group is a direct or indirect member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCreateNewGroup | POST /fotoweb/api/groups | Create a new group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupCreateNewGroupWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/groups | Create a new group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupGroupMembers | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups | Remove all groups from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupGroupMembersWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups | Remove all groups from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupMembers | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members | Remove all members from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupMembersWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members | Remove all members from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupMemberships | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of | Remove the group from all groups |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of | Remove the group from all groups |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupProperties | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties | Delete all custom properties of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupPropertiesWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties | Delete all custom properties of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupUserMembers | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users | Remove all users from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteAllGroupUserMembersWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users | Remove all users from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroup | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} | Delete a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} | Delete a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupExternalIds | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids | Delete all external IDs of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupExternalIdsWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids | Delete all external IDs of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupExternalIdsFromProvider | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids/{provider} | Delete the external ID of a group from a provider |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupExternalIdsFromProviderWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids/{provider} | Delete the external ID of a group from a provider |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupGroupMember | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups/{member} | Remove a group from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupGroupMemberWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups/{member} | Remove a group from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupMembership | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of/{group} | Remove the group from a single group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupMembershipWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of/{group} | Remove the group from a single group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupProperties | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties/{key} | Delete a custom property of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupPropertiesWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties/{key} | Delete a custom property of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupUserMember | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users/{member} | Remove a user from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupDeleteGroupUserMemberWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users/{member} | Remove a user from the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetAllGroups | GET /fotoweb/api/groups | Get all groups on the site |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetAllGroupsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups | Get all groups on the site |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetDirectGroupMemberships | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of | Get all groups that the group is a direct member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetDirectGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of | Get all groups that the group is a direct member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupById | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} | Get group by ID |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupByIdWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} | Get group by ID |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupDirectGroupMembers | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups | Get all groups that are direct members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupDirectGroupMembersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups | Get all groups that are direct members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupDirectUserMembers | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users | Get all users that are direct members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupDirectUserMembersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users | Get all users that are direct members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupExternalIds | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids | Get all external IDs of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupExternalIdsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids | Get all external IDs of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupPropertyBag | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties | Get all custom properties of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupPropertyBagWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties | Get all custom properties of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupRecursiveGroupembers | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups-recursive | Get all groups that are direct or indirect members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupRecursiveGroupembersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups-recursive | Get all groups that are direct or indirect members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupRecursiveUserMembers | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users-recursive | Get all users that are direct or indirect members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetGroupRecursiveUserMembersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users-recursive | Get all users that are direct or indirect members of the given group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetRecursiveGroupMemberships | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of-recursive | Get all distinct groups that the group is a direct or indirect member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupGetRecursiveGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of-recursive | Get all distinct groups that the group is a direct or indirect member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupSetGroupGroupMembers | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups | Replace all groups that are direct members of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupSetGroupGroupMembersWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups | Replace all groups that are direct members of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupSetGroupMembers | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members | Replace all direct members of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupSetGroupMembersWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members | Replace all direct members of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupSetGroupMemberships | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of | Set the groups that the group is a direct member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupSetGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of | Set the groups that the group is a direct member of |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupSetGroupUserMembers | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users | Replace all users that are direct members of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupSetGroupUserMembersWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users | Replace all users that are direct members of a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupUpdateGroup | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} | Update a group |
GroupManagementBetaApi | groupUpdateGroupWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} | Update a group |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeCartGet | GET /fotoweb/me/cart | Get the count of items in the users cart |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeCartGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/cart | Get the count of items in the users cart |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeCartPost | POST /fotoweb/me/cart | Add item(s) to users personal cart |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeCartPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/me/cart | Add item(s) to users personal cart |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeCartPut | PUT /fotoweb/me/cart | Edit the content of a cart |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeCartPutWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/me/cart | Edit the content of a cart |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeOrdersGet | GET /fotoweb/me/orders/ | Users personal order list |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeOrdersGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/orders/ | Users personal order list |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeOrdersPost | POST /fotoweb/me/orders/ | Submit the shopping cart to an order |
OrdersApi | fotowebMeOrdersPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/me/orders/ | Submit the shopping cart to an order |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersApprovedGet | GET /fotoweb/orders/approved/ | Site's global list of approved orders |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersApprovedGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/orders/approved/ | Site's global list of approved orders |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersGet | GET /fotoweb/orders/ | Site's global order history |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/orders/ | Site's global order history |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersOrderhrefPatch | PATCH /fotoweb/orders/{orderhref} | This request can be used to modify an existing order that is in pending or created state |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersOrderhrefPatchWithHttpInfo | PATCH /fotoweb/orders/{orderhref} | This request can be used to modify an existing order that is in pending or created state |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersPendingGet | GET /fotoweb/orders/pending/ | Site's global list of pending orders |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersPendingGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/orders/pending/ | Site's global list of pending orders |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersRejectedGet | GET /fotoweb/orders/rejected/ | Site's global list of rejected orders |
OrdersApi | fotowebOrdersRejectedGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/orders/rejected/ | Site's global list of rejected orders |
RenditionsApi | fotowebServicesRenditionsPost | POST /fotoweb/services/renditions | Get the rendition download url |
RenditionsApi | fotowebServicesRenditionsPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/services/renditions | Get the rendition download url |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesArchivesArchiveIDGet | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/archives/{archiveID} | Get all the taxonomies for an archive |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesArchivesArchiveIDGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/archives/{archiveID} | Get all the taxonomies for an archive |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdDelete | DELETE /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ | Delete a taxonomy |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdDeleteWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ | Delete a taxonomy |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdGet | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ | Get taxonomy of a metadata field, list root items |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ | Get taxonomy of a metadata field, list root items |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdDelete | DELETE /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} | Delete a taxonomy item |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdDeleteWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} | Delete a taxonomy item |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdGet | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} | Get taxonomy item and list children |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} | Get taxonomy item and list children |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPost | POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} | Create a new taxonomy item under an existing item |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} | Create a new taxonomy item under an existing item |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPpGet | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId}/;p={p} | Get a taxonomy item and list its children |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPpGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId}/;p={p} | Get a taxonomy item and list its children |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPut | PUT /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} | Update the description of a taxonomy item |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPutWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} | Update the description of a taxonomy item |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPost | POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ | Create a new taxonomy item at the root of the taxonomy |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ | Create a new taxonomy item at the root of the taxonomy |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPpGet | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/;p={p} | Get taxonomy of a metadata field, list root items |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPpGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/;p={p} | Get taxonomy of a metadata field, list root items |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPut | PUT /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ | Update a taxonomy field |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPutWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ | Update a taxonomy field |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesGet | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/ | List all fields with taxonomy enabled |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/ | List all fields with taxonomy enabled |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesInfoPost | POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/info | Get a taxonomy item list by passing in an item id list |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesInfoPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/info | Get a taxonomy item list by passing in an item id list |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesPost | POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/ | Create a new taxonomy |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/ | Create a new taxonomy |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesPpGet | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/;p={p} | List all fields with taxonomy enabled |
TaxonomiesApi | fotowebApiTaxonomiesPpGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/;p={p} | List all fields with taxonomy enabled |
UploadApi | fotowebApiUploadsPost | POST /fotoweb/api/uploads | Create a new upload task |
UploadApi | fotowebApiUploadsPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/uploads | Create a new upload task |
UploadApi | fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdChunksChunkIndexPost | POST /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/chunks/{chunkIndex} | Upload a chunk to an upload task |
UploadApi | fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdChunksChunkIndexPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/chunks/{chunkIndex} | Upload a chunk to an upload task |
UploadApi | fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdStatusGet | GET /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/status | Get the upload task status |
UploadApi | fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdStatusGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/status | Get the upload task status |
UploadApi | fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdXmpPost | POST /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/xmp | Upload the XMP file to an upload task |
UploadApi | fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdXmpPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/xmp | Upload the XMP file to an upload task |
UploadApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveHREFPost | POST /fotoweb/archives/{archiveHREF}/ | Assets are uploaded by making a POST request to the URL of the archive. Each request can contain one or more assets. Upload uses HTTP Multipart requests, as defined in RFC1341. It is also possible to create a new folder (or a hierarchy of nested folders) and upload assets to the new folder. |
UploadApi | fotowebArchivesArchiveHREFPostWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/archives/{archiveHREF}/ | Assets are uploaded by making a POST request to the URL of the archive. Each request can contain one or more assets. Upload uses HTTP Multipart requests, as defined in RFC1341. It is also possible to create a new folder (or a hierarchy of nested folders) and upload assets to the new folder. |
UploadApi | fotowebMeUploadToGet | GET /fotoweb/me/upload-to/ | List of collections that are available to be uploaded to |
UploadApi | fotowebMeUploadToGetWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/me/upload-to/ | List of collections that are available to be uploaded to |
UserManagementBetaApi | userAddUserMemberships | POST /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of | Add the user to one or more groups |
UserManagementBetaApi | userAddUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of | Add the user to one or more groups |
UserManagementBetaApi | userCountAllUsers | GET /fotoweb/api/users/count | Count all users on the site |
UserManagementBetaApi | userCountAllUsersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/users/count | Count all users on the site |
UserManagementBetaApi | userCountRecursiveUserMemberships | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of-recursive/count | Count all distinct groups that the user is a direct or indirect member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userCountRecursiveUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of-recursive/count | Count all distinct groups that the user is a direct or indirect member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userCountUserDirectMemberships | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of/count | Count all groups that the user is a direct member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userCountUserDirectMembershipsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of/count | Count all groups that the user is a direct member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userCreateNewUser | POST /fotoweb/api/users | Create a new user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userCreateNewUserWithHttpInfo | POST /fotoweb/api/users | Create a new user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteAllUserMemberships | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of | Remove the user from all groups |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteAllUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of | Remove the user from all groups |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteAllUserProperties | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties | Delete all custom properties of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteAllUserPropertiesWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties | Delete all custom properties of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUser | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id} | Delete a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id} | Delete a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserExternalIds | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids | Delete all external IDs of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserExternalIdsWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids | Delete all external IDs of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserExternalIdsFromProvider | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids/{provider} | Delete the external ID of a user from a provider |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserExternalIdsFromProviderWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids/{provider} | Delete the external ID of a user from a provider |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserMembership | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of/{group} | Remove the user from a single group |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserMembershipWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of/{group} | Remove the user from a single group |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserPassword | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/password | Delete the password of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserPasswordWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/password | Delete the password of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserProperties | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties/{key} | Delete a custom property of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userDeleteUserPropertiesWithHttpInfo | DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties/{key} | Delete a custom property of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetAllUsers | GET /fotoweb/api/users | Get all users on the site |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetAllUsersWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/users | Get all users on the site |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetRecursiveUserMemberships | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of-recursive | Get all distinct groups that the user is a direct or indirect member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetRecursiveUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of-recursive | Get all distinct groups that the user is a direct or indirect member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetUserById | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id} | Get user by ID |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetUserByIdWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id} | Get user by ID |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetUserDirectMemberships | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of | Get all groups that the user is a direct member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetUserDirectMembershipsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of | Get all groups that the user is a direct member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetUserExternalIds | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids | Get all external IDs of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetUserExternalIdsWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids | Get all external IDs of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetUserPropertyBag | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties | Get all custom properties of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userGetUserPropertyBagWithHttpInfo | GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties | Get all custom properties of a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userSetUserEnabled | PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/enabled | Enable or disable user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userSetUserEnabledWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/enabled | Enable or disable user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userSetUserMemberships | PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of | Set the groups that the user is a direct member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userSetUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of | Set the groups that the user is a direct member of |
UserManagementBetaApi | userUpdateUser | PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id} | Update a user |
UserManagementBetaApi | userUpdateUserWithHttpInfo | PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id} | Update a user |
- APIDescriptor
- APIDescriptorServices
- Account
- ActionRequest
- ActionRequestAssetsInner
- ActionResponse
- Address
- AlbumPermissions
- Annotation
- AnnotationList
- AnnotationListDataInner
- AnnotationOwner
- AnnotationProps
- AnnotationPropsComments
- Asset
- AssetAncestorsInner
- AssetAttributes
- AssetAttributesImageattributes
- AssetBuiltinFieldsInner
- AssetCapabilities
- AssetConsentCategoryApiModel
- AssetConsentFlag
- AssetLinkList
- AssetLinkListDataInner
- AssetList
- AssetMetadataEditor
- AssetPreviewsInner
- AssetProps
- AssetPropsShares
- AssetQuickRenditionsInner
- AssetRenditionsInner
- AssetRepresentionApiModel
- AssetThumbnailFields
- AssetThumbnailFieldsLabel
- BatchUploadCreate
- BatchUploadInfo
- BatchUploadMetadata
- BatchUploadMetadataAttributes
- BatchUploadMetadataFields
- BatchUploadStatus
- BatchUploadStatusError
- BatchUploadStatusResult
- CartUpdate
- CartUpdateOrderItemsInner
- Collection
- CollectionAltOrdersInner
- CollectionAltOrdersInnerAsc
- CollectionAltOrdersInnerAscUrlComponentsInner
- CollectionAltOrdersInnerDesc
- CollectionAltOrdersInnerDescUrlComponentsInner
- CollectionClearSearch
- CollectionCreateInner
- CollectionInfo
- CollectionInfoClearSearch
- CollectionInfoMetadataEditor
- CollectionList
- CollectionMetadataEditor
- CollectionPropertyValidationsInner
- CollectionProps
- CommerceInfo
- ConsentFormAssetConsentState
- ConsentFormState
- ConsentFormStateCount
- ConsentStatus
- CopyRequest
- CopyResponse
- Count
- DeleteRequest
- DeleteResponse
- Doctype
- DuplicateRequest
- DuplicateResponse
- ErrorMessage
- ExternalId
- FullAPIDescriptor
- FullAPIDescriptorApiFeatureLevels
- FullAPIDescriptorAppearance
- FullAPIDescriptorOrder
- FullAPIDescriptorOrderAdmin
- FullAPIDescriptorOrderAdminViews
- FullAPIDescriptorOrderViews
- FullAPIDescriptorPermissions
- FullAPIDescriptorPermissionsAlbums
- FullAPIDescriptorSecurity
- FullAPIDescriptorServices
- FullAPIDescriptorServicesKeepalive
- FullAPIDescriptorUpload
- FullAPIDescriptorUser
- FullAPIDescriptorUserManagement
- FullAPIDescriptorViews
- FullAPIDescriptorViewsSubscription
- FullAPIDescriptorWidgets
- FullAPIDescriptorWidgetsFwdt
- FullAPIDescriptorWidgetsFwdtOsx
- FullAPIDescriptorWidgetsFwdtServices
- FullAPIDescriptorWidgetsFwdtViews
- FullAPIDescriptorWidgetsFwdtWin
- FullAPIDescriptorWidgetsFwdtWinInstaller
- Group
- GroupPermissions
- MarkerRequest
- MarkerResponse
- MemberIdListModel
- MemberProperty
- MembershipIdListModel
- MetadataEditRequest
- MetadataEditRequestJobMetadataInner
- MetadataEditResponse
- MetadataValue
- MetadataView
- MetadataViewBuiltinFields
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsDescription
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsDescriptionField
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsNotes
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsNotesField
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsRating
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsRatingField
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsStatus
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsStatusField
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsTags
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsTagsField
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsTitle
- MetadataViewBuiltinFieldsTitleField
- MetadataViewDetailRegionsInner
- MetadataViewDetailRegionsInnerFieldsInner
- MetadataViewDetailRegionsInnerFieldsInnerField
- MetadataViewThumbnailFields
- MetadataViewThumbnailFieldsFirstLine
- MetadataViewThumbnailFieldsFirstLineField
- MetadataViewThumbnailFieldsLabel
- MetadataViewThumbnailFieldsSecondLine
- MoveRequest
- MoveResponse
- Order
- OrderList
- OrderListDataInner
- OrderListDataInnerOrderItemsInner
- OrderListDataInnerOrderItemsInnerRendition
- OrderListDataInnerOwner
- OrderListDataInnerOwnerAddress
- OrderListPaging
- OrderOrderItemsInner
- OrderOrderItemsInnerRendition
- OrderOwner
- OrderOwnerAddress
- OrderSubmissionInfo
- OrderUpdate
- OrderUpdateOrderItemsInner
- Paging
- PagingInfo
- PeopleList
- PeopleListDataInner
- PeopleListPaging
- Permission
- PreviewsInner
- QuickRenditionsInner
- RenameRequest
- RenameResponse
- RenditionRequest
- RenditionResponse
- RotateRequest
- RotateResponse
- Sharing
- SharingLinkList
- SharingLinkListAddedSharesInner
- SharingMessage
- SharingSharesInner
- SharingShowcase
- SharingUpdate
- SharingUpdateAddSharesInner
- SharingUpdateMessage
- SharingUpdateRemoveSharesInner
- TaskStatus
- TaskStatusJob
- TaskStatusJobResultInner
- TaskStatusJobResultInnerChangedBuiltinFieldsInner
- TaskStatusTask
- Taxonomy
- TaxonomyAncestors
- TaxonomyCreationInfo
- TaxonomyInfo
- TaxonomyItem
- TaxonomyItemCreationInfo
- TaxonomyItemInfo
- TaxonomyItemList
- TaxonomyItemUpdate
- TaxonomyList
- TaxonomySearchItem
- TaxonomySearchItemList
- TaxonomyUpdate
- UploadResponse
- UploadStatus
- UploadStatusJob
- UploadStatusTask
- User
- UserLicenseSettings
- UserPermissions
- ValueModelBoolean
- ValueModelInteger
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL: /fotoweb/oauth2/authorize
- Scopes:
- full_access: Full access to the API
- Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication (JWT)
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
However, the instances of the api clients created from the ApiClient
are thread-safe and can be re-used.