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Unofficial java client for the popular Fotoware image management system


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FotoWare API

  • API version: 1.0.0

This reference documents the available endpoints for FotoWare's API.
Click the Authorize button at the top of the page to try the API with your own FotoWare as a Service tenant.
To enable authorization and testing of the API on an on-premises server, <a target="_blank" href=''>please follow the instructions in our software documentation

Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 11+
  2. Maven/Gradle


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "com.cominvent.fotoware:fotoware-java-client:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/fotoware-java-client-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

import com.cominvent.fotoware.client.*;
import com.cominvent.fotoware.model.*;
import com.cominvent.fotoware.api.AlbumsApi;

public class AlbumsApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure clients using the `defaultClient` object, such as
        // overriding the host and port, timeout, etc.
        AlbumsApi apiInstance = new AlbumsApi(defaultClient);
        try {
            CollectionList result = apiInstance.fotowebAlbumsGet();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AlbumsApi#fotowebAlbumsGet");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
AlbumsApi fotowebAlbumsGet GET /fotoweb/albums/ Lists the public albums in the DAM. The list contains albums which are shared in Fotoware.
AlbumsApi fotowebAlbumsGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/albums/ Lists the public albums in the DAM. The list contains albums which are shared in Fotoware.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsArchivedGet GET /fotoweb/me/albums/archived/ List the archived albums owned by the current user/access token.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsArchivedGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/albums/archived/ List the archived albums owned by the current user/access token.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsContributeGet GET /fotoweb/me/albums/contribute/ List the albums contributed to by the current user/access token.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsContributeGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/albums/contribute/ List the albums contributed to by the current user/access token.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsDeletedGet GET /fotoweb/me/albums/deleted/ List the deleted albums owned by the current user/access token.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsDeletedGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/albums/deleted/ List the deleted albums owned by the current user/access token.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsGet GET /fotoweb/me/albums/ Lists the albums accessible by the current user/access token. This list contains all albums that the user can access. Use the q parameter to search in multiple albums/collections (search in name, description and tags elements).
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/albums/ Lists the albums accessible by the current user/access token. This list contains all albums that the user can access. Use the q parameter to search in multiple albums/collections (search in name, description and tags elements).
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsMineGet GET /fotoweb/me/albums/mine/ Lists the albums owned by the current user/access token.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsMineGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/albums/mine/ Lists the albums owned by the current user/access token.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsSharedWithMeGet GET /fotoweb/me/albums/shared-with-me/ List the albums shared with the current user/access token.
AlbumsApi fotowebMeAlbumsSharedWithMeGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/albums/shared-with-me/ List the albums shared with the current user/access token.
AlbumsSharingApi fotowebMePeopleGet GET /fotoweb/me/people/ Search among the users and groups you have permission to share albums with
AlbumsSharingApi fotowebMePeopleGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/people/ Search among the users and groups you have permission to share albums with
AlbumsSharingApi fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidGet GET /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/ Get all information for an album for a specfic user; including properties, assets in the album etc.
AlbumsSharingApi fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/ Get all information for an album for a specfic user; including properties, assets in the album etc.
AlbumsSharingApi fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidSharesGet GET /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/.shares/ Gets sharing details for an album for a specfic user; including any shares, public link and user/groups shares
AlbumsSharingApi fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidSharesGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/.shares/ Gets sharing details for an album for a specfic user; including any shares, public link and user/groups shares
AlbumsSharingApi fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidSharesPatch PATCH /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/.shares/ Make updates to album sharing for an album.
AlbumsSharingApi fotowebUsersUseridAlbumsAlbumidSharesPatchWithHttpInfo PATCH /fotoweb/users/{userid}/albums/{albumid}/.shares/ Make updates to album sharing for an album.
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidDelete DELETE /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} Delete an annotation from an asset
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidDeleteWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} Delete an annotation from an asset
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidGet GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} Get the annotation for an asset based on the annotation id
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} Get the annotation for an asset based on the annotation id
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidPatch PATCH /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} Edit an annotation on an asset
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsAnnotationidPatchWithHttpInfo PATCH /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/{annotationid} Edit an annotation on an asset
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsGet GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/ Get all the annotations for an asset
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/ Get all the annotations for an asset
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsPost POST /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/ Add a new annotation for an asset
AnnotationsApi fotowebArchivesArchiveidFolderpathAssetAnnotationsPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderpath}/{asset}.annotations/ Add a new annotation for an asset
ApiEntryPointsApi fotowebGet GET /fotoweb/ Public entry point
ApiEntryPointsApi fotowebGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/ Public entry point
ApiEntryPointsApi fotowebMeGet GET /fotoweb/me/ Private entry point
ApiEntryPointsApi fotowebMeGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/ Private entry point
ArchivesApi fotowebArchivesGet GET /fotoweb/archives/ Get all publically available archives in the FotoWare DAM instance. To search, add the q parameter.
ArchivesApi fotowebArchivesGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/archives/ Get all publically available archives in the FotoWare DAM instance. To search, add the q parameter.
ArchivesApi getArchive GET /fotoweb/archives/{id}/ Get all information about an archive
ArchivesApi getArchiveWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/archives/{id}/ Get all information about an archive
ArchivesApi getPrivateArchiveList GET /fotoweb/me/archives/ Lists the archives accessible by the current user/access token.
ArchivesApi getPrivateArchiveListWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/archives/ Lists the archives accessible by the current user/access token.
AssetsAndMetadataApi fotowebEditorsViewidGet GET /fotoweb/editors/{viewid} Get a metadata view representation
AssetsAndMetadataApi fotowebEditorsViewidGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/editors/{viewid} Get a metadata view representation
AssetsAndMetadataApi getAssetDetails GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderid}/{asset} Get the json representation of an asset
AssetsAndMetadataApi getAssetDetailsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderid}/{asset} Get the json representation of an asset
AssetsAndMetadataApi patchMetadata PATCH /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderid}/{asset} Update metadata on an asset
AssetsAndMetadataApi patchMetadataWithHttpInfo PATCH /fotoweb/archives/{archiveid}/{folderid}/{asset} Update metadata on an asset
BackgroundTasksApi fotowebMeBackgroundTasksIdGet GET /fotoweb/me/background-tasks/{id} Polls the status of a tasks
BackgroundTasksApi fotowebMeBackgroundTasksIdGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/background-tasks/{id} Polls the status of a tasks
BackgroundTasksApi fotowebMeBackgroundTasksPost POST /fotoweb/me/background-tasks/ Triggers a background task that runs an operation on an asset
BackgroundTasksApi fotowebMeBackgroundTasksPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/me/background-tasks/ Triggers a background task that runs an operation on an asset
GroupManagementBetaApi groupAddGroupGroupMembers POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups Add groups to the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupAddGroupGroupMembersWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups Add groups to the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupAddGroupMembers POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members Add users to the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupAddGroupMembersWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members Add users to the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupAddGroupMemberships POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of Add the group to one or more groups
GroupManagementBetaApi groupAddGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of Add the group to one or more groups
GroupManagementBetaApi groupAddGroupUserMembers POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users Add users to the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupAddGroupUserMembersWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users Add users to the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountAllGroups GET /fotoweb/api/groups/count Count all groups on the site
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountAllGroupsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/count Count all groups on the site
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountDirectGroupMemberships GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of/count Count all groups that the group is a direct member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountDirectGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of/count Count all groups that the group is a direct member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountGroupDirectGroupMembers GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups/count Count all groups that are direct members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountGroupDirectGroupMembersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups/count Count all groups that are direct members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountGroupDirectUserMembers GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users/count Count all users that are direct members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountGroupDirectUserMembersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users/count Count all users that are direct members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountGroupRecursiveGroupMembers GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups-recursive/count Count all groups that are direct or indirect members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountGroupRecursiveGroupMembersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups-recursive/count Count all groups that are direct or indirect members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountGroupRecursiveUserMembers GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users-recursive/count Count all users that are direct or indirect members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountGroupRecursiveUserMembersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users-recursive/count Count all users that are direct or indirect members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountRecursiveUserMemberships GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of-recursive/count Count all distinct groups that the group is a direct or indirect member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCountRecursiveUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of-recursive/count Count all distinct groups that the group is a direct or indirect member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCreateNewGroup POST /fotoweb/api/groups Create a new group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupCreateNewGroupWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/groups Create a new group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupGroupMembers DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups Remove all groups from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupGroupMembersWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups Remove all groups from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupMembers DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members Remove all members from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupMembersWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members Remove all members from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupMemberships DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of Remove the group from all groups
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of Remove the group from all groups
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupProperties DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties Delete all custom properties of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupPropertiesWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties Delete all custom properties of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupUserMembers DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users Remove all users from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteAllGroupUserMembersWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users Remove all users from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroup DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} Delete a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} Delete a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupExternalIds DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids Delete all external IDs of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupExternalIdsWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids Delete all external IDs of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupExternalIdsFromProvider DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids/{provider} Delete the external ID of a group from a provider
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupExternalIdsFromProviderWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids/{provider} Delete the external ID of a group from a provider
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupGroupMember DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups/{member} Remove a group from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupGroupMemberWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups/{member} Remove a group from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupMembership DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of/{group} Remove the group from a single group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupMembershipWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of/{group} Remove the group from a single group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupProperties DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties/{key} Delete a custom property of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupPropertiesWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties/{key} Delete a custom property of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupUserMember DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users/{member} Remove a user from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupDeleteGroupUserMemberWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users/{member} Remove a user from the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetAllGroups GET /fotoweb/api/groups Get all groups on the site
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetAllGroupsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups Get all groups on the site
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetDirectGroupMemberships GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of Get all groups that the group is a direct member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetDirectGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of Get all groups that the group is a direct member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupById GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} Get group by ID
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupByIdWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} Get group by ID
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupDirectGroupMembers GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups Get all groups that are direct members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupDirectGroupMembersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups Get all groups that are direct members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupDirectUserMembers GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users Get all users that are direct members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupDirectUserMembersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users Get all users that are direct members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupExternalIds GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids Get all external IDs of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupExternalIdsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/external-ids Get all external IDs of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupPropertyBag GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties Get all custom properties of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupPropertyBagWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/properties Get all custom properties of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupRecursiveGroupembers GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups-recursive Get all groups that are direct or indirect members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupRecursiveGroupembersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups-recursive Get all groups that are direct or indirect members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupRecursiveUserMembers GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users-recursive Get all users that are direct or indirect members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetGroupRecursiveUserMembersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users-recursive Get all users that are direct or indirect members of the given group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetRecursiveGroupMemberships GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of-recursive Get all distinct groups that the group is a direct or indirect member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupGetRecursiveGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of-recursive Get all distinct groups that the group is a direct or indirect member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupSetGroupGroupMembers PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups Replace all groups that are direct members of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupSetGroupGroupMembersWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/groups Replace all groups that are direct members of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupSetGroupMembers PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members Replace all direct members of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupSetGroupMembersWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/members Replace all direct members of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupSetGroupMemberships PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of Set the groups that the group is a direct member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupSetGroupMembershipsWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/member-of Set the groups that the group is a direct member of
GroupManagementBetaApi groupSetGroupUserMembers PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users Replace all users that are direct members of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupSetGroupUserMembersWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id}/users Replace all users that are direct members of a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupUpdateGroup PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} Update a group
GroupManagementBetaApi groupUpdateGroupWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/groups/{id} Update a group
OrdersApi fotowebMeCartGet GET /fotoweb/me/cart Get the count of items in the users cart
OrdersApi fotowebMeCartGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/cart Get the count of items in the users cart
OrdersApi fotowebMeCartPost POST /fotoweb/me/cart Add item(s) to users personal cart
OrdersApi fotowebMeCartPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/me/cart Add item(s) to users personal cart
OrdersApi fotowebMeCartPut PUT /fotoweb/me/cart Edit the content of a cart
OrdersApi fotowebMeCartPutWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/me/cart Edit the content of a cart
OrdersApi fotowebMeOrdersGet GET /fotoweb/me/orders/ Users personal order list
OrdersApi fotowebMeOrdersGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/orders/ Users personal order list
OrdersApi fotowebMeOrdersPost POST /fotoweb/me/orders/ Submit the shopping cart to an order
OrdersApi fotowebMeOrdersPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/me/orders/ Submit the shopping cart to an order
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersApprovedGet GET /fotoweb/orders/approved/ Site's global list of approved orders
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersApprovedGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/orders/approved/ Site's global list of approved orders
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersGet GET /fotoweb/orders/ Site's global order history
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/orders/ Site's global order history
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersOrderhrefPatch PATCH /fotoweb/orders/{orderhref} This request can be used to modify an existing order that is in pending or created state
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersOrderhrefPatchWithHttpInfo PATCH /fotoweb/orders/{orderhref} This request can be used to modify an existing order that is in pending or created state
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersPendingGet GET /fotoweb/orders/pending/ Site's global list of pending orders
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersPendingGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/orders/pending/ Site's global list of pending orders
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersRejectedGet GET /fotoweb/orders/rejected/ Site's global list of rejected orders
OrdersApi fotowebOrdersRejectedGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/orders/rejected/ Site's global list of rejected orders
RenditionsApi fotowebServicesRenditionsPost POST /fotoweb/services/renditions Get the rendition download url
RenditionsApi fotowebServicesRenditionsPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/services/renditions Get the rendition download url
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesArchivesArchiveIDGet GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/archives/{archiveID} Get all the taxonomies for an archive
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesArchivesArchiveIDGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/archives/{archiveID} Get all the taxonomies for an archive
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdDelete DELETE /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ Delete a taxonomy
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdDeleteWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ Delete a taxonomy
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdGet GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ Get taxonomy of a metadata field, list root items
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ Get taxonomy of a metadata field, list root items
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdDelete DELETE /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} Delete a taxonomy item
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdDeleteWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} Delete a taxonomy item
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdGet GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} Get taxonomy item and list children
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} Get taxonomy item and list children
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPost POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} Create a new taxonomy item under an existing item
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} Create a new taxonomy item under an existing item
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPpGet GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId}/;p={p} Get a taxonomy item and list its children
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPpGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId}/;p={p} Get a taxonomy item and list its children
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPut PUT /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} Update the description of a taxonomy item
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdItemIdPutWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/{itemId} Update the description of a taxonomy item
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPost POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ Create a new taxonomy item at the root of the taxonomy
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ Create a new taxonomy item at the root of the taxonomy
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPpGet GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/;p={p} Get taxonomy of a metadata field, list root items
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPpGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/;p={p} Get taxonomy of a metadata field, list root items
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPut PUT /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ Update a taxonomy field
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesFieldIdPutWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/{fieldId}/ Update a taxonomy field
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesGet GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/ List all fields with taxonomy enabled
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/ List all fields with taxonomy enabled
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesInfoPost POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/info Get a taxonomy item list by passing in an item id list
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesInfoPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/info Get a taxonomy item list by passing in an item id list
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesPost POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/ Create a new taxonomy
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/ Create a new taxonomy
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesPpGet GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/;p={p} List all fields with taxonomy enabled
TaxonomiesApi fotowebApiTaxonomiesPpGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/taxonomies/;p={p} List all fields with taxonomy enabled
UploadApi fotowebApiUploadsPost POST /fotoweb/api/uploads Create a new upload task
UploadApi fotowebApiUploadsPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/uploads Create a new upload task
UploadApi fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdChunksChunkIndexPost POST /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/chunks/{chunkIndex} Upload a chunk to an upload task
UploadApi fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdChunksChunkIndexPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/chunks/{chunkIndex} Upload a chunk to an upload task
UploadApi fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdStatusGet GET /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/status Get the upload task status
UploadApi fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdStatusGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/status Get the upload task status
UploadApi fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdXmpPost POST /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/xmp Upload the XMP file to an upload task
UploadApi fotowebApiUploadsUploadIdXmpPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/uploads/{uploadId}/xmp Upload the XMP file to an upload task
UploadApi fotowebArchivesArchiveHREFPost POST /fotoweb/archives/{archiveHREF}/ Assets are uploaded by making a POST request to the URL of the archive. Each request can contain one or more assets. Upload uses HTTP Multipart requests, as defined in RFC1341. It is also possible to create a new folder (or a hierarchy of nested folders) and upload assets to the new folder.
UploadApi fotowebArchivesArchiveHREFPostWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/archives/{archiveHREF}/ Assets are uploaded by making a POST request to the URL of the archive. Each request can contain one or more assets. Upload uses HTTP Multipart requests, as defined in RFC1341. It is also possible to create a new folder (or a hierarchy of nested folders) and upload assets to the new folder.
UploadApi fotowebMeUploadToGet GET /fotoweb/me/upload-to/ List of collections that are available to be uploaded to
UploadApi fotowebMeUploadToGetWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/me/upload-to/ List of collections that are available to be uploaded to
UserManagementBetaApi userAddUserMemberships POST /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of Add the user to one or more groups
UserManagementBetaApi userAddUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of Add the user to one or more groups
UserManagementBetaApi userCountAllUsers GET /fotoweb/api/users/count Count all users on the site
UserManagementBetaApi userCountAllUsersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/users/count Count all users on the site
UserManagementBetaApi userCountRecursiveUserMemberships GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of-recursive/count Count all distinct groups that the user is a direct or indirect member of
UserManagementBetaApi userCountRecursiveUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of-recursive/count Count all distinct groups that the user is a direct or indirect member of
UserManagementBetaApi userCountUserDirectMemberships GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of/count Count all groups that the user is a direct member of
UserManagementBetaApi userCountUserDirectMembershipsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of/count Count all groups that the user is a direct member of
UserManagementBetaApi userCreateNewUser POST /fotoweb/api/users Create a new user
UserManagementBetaApi userCreateNewUserWithHttpInfo POST /fotoweb/api/users Create a new user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteAllUserMemberships DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of Remove the user from all groups
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteAllUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of Remove the user from all groups
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteAllUserProperties DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties Delete all custom properties of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteAllUserPropertiesWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties Delete all custom properties of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUser DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id} Delete a user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id} Delete a user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserExternalIds DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids Delete all external IDs of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserExternalIdsWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids Delete all external IDs of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserExternalIdsFromProvider DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids/{provider} Delete the external ID of a user from a provider
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserExternalIdsFromProviderWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids/{provider} Delete the external ID of a user from a provider
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserMembership DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of/{group} Remove the user from a single group
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserMembershipWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of/{group} Remove the user from a single group
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserPassword DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/password Delete the password of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserPasswordWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/password Delete the password of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserProperties DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties/{key} Delete a custom property of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userDeleteUserPropertiesWithHttpInfo DELETE /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties/{key} Delete a custom property of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userGetAllUsers GET /fotoweb/api/users Get all users on the site
UserManagementBetaApi userGetAllUsersWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/users Get all users on the site
UserManagementBetaApi userGetRecursiveUserMemberships GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of-recursive Get all distinct groups that the user is a direct or indirect member of
UserManagementBetaApi userGetRecursiveUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of-recursive Get all distinct groups that the user is a direct or indirect member of
UserManagementBetaApi userGetUserById GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id} Get user by ID
UserManagementBetaApi userGetUserByIdWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id} Get user by ID
UserManagementBetaApi userGetUserDirectMemberships GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of Get all groups that the user is a direct member of
UserManagementBetaApi userGetUserDirectMembershipsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of Get all groups that the user is a direct member of
UserManagementBetaApi userGetUserExternalIds GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids Get all external IDs of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userGetUserExternalIdsWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/external-ids Get all external IDs of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userGetUserPropertyBag GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties Get all custom properties of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userGetUserPropertyBagWithHttpInfo GET /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/properties Get all custom properties of a user
UserManagementBetaApi userSetUserEnabled PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/enabled Enable or disable user
UserManagementBetaApi userSetUserEnabledWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/enabled Enable or disable user
UserManagementBetaApi userSetUserMemberships PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of Set the groups that the user is a direct member of
UserManagementBetaApi userSetUserMembershipsWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id}/member-of Set the groups that the user is a direct member of
UserManagementBetaApi userUpdateUser PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id} Update a user
UserManagementBetaApi userUpdateUserWithHttpInfo PUT /fotoweb/api/users/{id} Update a user

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: implicit
  • Authorization URL: /fotoweb/oauth2/authorize
  • Scopes:
    • full_access: Full access to the API


  • Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication (JWT)


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues. However, the instances of the api clients created from the ApiClient are thread-safe and can be re-used.



Unofficial java client for the popular Fotoware image management system







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