by Tzu-Chuan Huang, Bridget Neary, Mingming Cao, Di Zhou, Mansi Gupta and Priyam Raut
This pipeline is in /projects/team2/func_annotation/Team2-FunctionalAnnotation on the server.
The piepline should be run on the server that some of the databases and programs have fixed path.
It's a python script based on python 3.7 and above.
The python3.7 can be found on the server /projects/team2/func_annotation/bin/python3
The objective of the group is to annotate the gff and fasta files of the draft genomes and try to uncover as much relevant information about the gene such as structural features such as transmembrane proteins, signal peptides, virulence factors, domains, motifs and functions.
Python 2.7
Python 3.6 or above
interproscan 5.33-72.0
emapper from eggNOG 4.5.1
SignalP 5.0
TMHMM v2.0
To just run interproscan
python3 ./ -i <input_directory>
Usage: -i <input_dicrectory> [options],
-i --input Input directory with faa files,
-ni --nucleotide_input Input directory with fna files,
-e --eggnog Search against eggnog[optional],
-crt --crispr Running CRISPR annotation, # Uses assembled contigs
-ard --antibiotic Running antibiotic annotatation,
-sp --signalP Running signalP to annotate signal peptide[optional],
-tm --tmprotein Running tmhmm to annotate transmembrane proteins[optional],
-ol --one_line One line annotation with gene names[True or False],
-v --verbose Verbose mode,
-h --help Print usage
Install the prerequirements using the miniconda command .Easisest installation is to create environments from the .yml files provided. They have all the dependencies required to use the pipeline. Please make sure the conda command is in your path.
conda env create -f func_ann.yml
You can then run the program by activating the func_ann environment.
Before running TMHMM make sure the the path of perl is specified correctly in TMHMM/bin/tmhmm and TMHMM/bin/