Provides an API to deploy onto kubernetes clusters using mostly base level primitives (image, #containers, port, etc).
- Kubernetes spec is created dynamically based on default values stored each clusters configuration from the Administrator API's.
- The resulting spec is then applied to the destination clusters in each location that is being deployed to.
Provides an API to setup local kubectl config based on available clusters.
Decouples kubernetes deployments to locations instead of specific clusters.
Allows cluster administrators to provide location\cluster specific defaults for environment variables, ingress\loadbalancer domain names, docker registry locations, etc.
Allows cluster administrators to move clusters in and out of service without the need to make changes to your code pipeline and release process.
The configuration defaults and inline documentation are stored in ./default/config.js.
All options can be configured with environment variables.
#for standard use in this guide
export SkipperEndpoint=https://yourinternalskipper.com
kubectl run --port=5000 --env="skipperEndpoint=$SkipperEndpoint" skipper --image=concur/skipper:latest
kubectl expose deployment skipper --port=5000 --type=LoadBalancer
kubectl create -f ./docs/minikube/
#for standard use in this guide
export SkipperEndpoint="-k https://skipper."
#for standard use in this guide
export SkipperEndpoint=
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 concur/skipper:latest
Swagger UI: $SkipperEndpoint/docs
Swagger JSON: $SkipperEndpoint/apidocs